2. To the southern watertribe

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Hey guys, I am not a professional writer and I would love some tips. A note* English is not my native language so if you see some mistakes I would be happy if you guys let me know, because I really want to improve my English skills.* Make sure you have read the first part!

Katara walked inside with Sokka Toph and Sukki following her. Tomorrow Sokka and Katara would return to the southern watertribe after a long time. Suki and Toph were going to Kyoshi Island. Everbody went to their rooms to sleep, because they would all have a long journey the following weeks.

Katara woke up when she heard a loud thud and Sokka cursing. She ran out of her room and laughed at the sight of Sokka lying on the floor at the stairs burried under bags. 'Very thoughtful that you are helping me Katara' Katara smirked and walked away, only to hear Sokka cursing even more. After some time Katara heard Sokka say:' you really are my angel Suki' with a kiss sound. Katata laughed to herself as she and Toph walked up on the couple kissing, while saying: 'You guys are really giving me the oogies'. Toph and Katara bursted out in laughter. Sokka looked really mad and Suki turned red.

'You did this for what?' Sokka walked in Katara's room to check if she's got everything. 'Karma is a bitch dude' Katara grinned. 'Enough about the oogies, our boat is ready yOuR hIgHnEsS, so are you comming with me?' There were two boats at the port. One with the destination Kyoshi Island and one with the destination the southpole. Sokka hugged Toph and wished her the best, Katara did the same with Toph and Suki. Katara already got on their ship, while Sokka gave Suki the see-you-later-i-hope-soon-kiss.

The first night on the ship was terrible for both Sokka and Katara. Sokka got a nightmare: Momo could talk again but this time he stole the voice of Suki. So it was pretty painful hearing that he got big ears from the voice of Suki. Katara, on the other hand, couldn't sleep because of the loud snores of Sokka. They both woke up really tired.

The following days were hard for both of them. They got really annoyed by eachother because of the lack of sleep, and Sokka, to cope with missing Suki, ate almost all the food they had in stock. Katara who was really mad, locked him out of their shared bedroom so Sokka had to sleep in the cupboard. After some weeks they heard the redeeming words from the captain: we are almost there.

Sokka got so happy that he jumped all around the ship hugged Katara and did it all over again. They packed their bags and walked on the deck. They saw a really big city, what looked like the northern watertribe city but more like an empire. The boat stopped sailing and Sokka and Katara set their first steps at land after a long time

This was the second chapter. I hope you liked it. Make sure to leave comments if you like something or feel that something is wrong. I really want to learn from your tips. I will upload the new chapter soon. Have a nice day!! And remeber you are loved <3

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