4. The fire nation

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Hey guys, I am not a professional writer and I would love some tips. A note* English is not my native language so if you see some mistakes I would be happy if you guys let me know, because I really want to improve my English skills.* Make sure you have read the previous parts!

Aang woke up bathing in sweat. He looked around seeing the saddle of Appa, and Iroh and Zuko talking. Lately he has been having a lot of nightmares. They all involved losing katara. He really missed her altough he left only 3 days ago. This afternoon they would arrive in the fire nation.

Appa landed and Zuko Iroh and Aang hopped off. Zuko saw Mai and ran to her. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her. Iroh said grinning to Aang: 'young love, so fresh but so, so thin you could easily cut trough' Aang looked at Iroh confused. Iroh flashed a smile and walked into the castle.

At dinner they were discussing their plans for the next day. Mai had decided to come and check who in the fire nation still suports Ozai while she was undercover. Aang and Zuko decided that they would go to a cave who was know for a hiding place for the die-hard followers of Ozai.

Aang woke up in a red room and looked outside. Than it hit him: he was at the fire nation. Today he and Zuko would capture the biggest and most dangerous opponents who could disturb the peace. Aang really didn't feel like going outside. He just wanted to be in bed the whole day and think about Katara. He was pretty upset that he couldn't even spend more than 2 days in peace with her. As if fate was against them.

'Are you ready' Zuko asked Aang, who seemed a little off. 'Yes, lets go to the cave'. Aang and Zuko hopped on Appa and they flew away. After a few hours flying they saw a huge mountain which had the form of a face. You could clearly see the nostrils, eyeballs en lips. Aang anf Zuko were impressed. They flew closer to the mountain and saw that one of the nostrils had a small opening. Appa was small enough to go through it but Aang decided it was better for Appa to wait outside scince Appa was scared of caves. Aang and Zuko hopped off and Appa flew to the ground. They entered the nostril. There were torched on the walls but they weren't lit. Zuko touched them and felt that they were still warm. 'They were here one hour ago' said Zuko as they walked further. At the end there was a hughe round room. Aang an Zuko walked inside the room that was excavated from the mountain. The torches went on and the features of a boy became clear. The boy was around 14 years old. Although he was so young he looked really masculine. 'Hi' said the boy 'my name is Toa, what brings you here'. Zuko gritted his teeth 'none of your buisness'. 'O, okay. But are you willing to step into the room and drink some tea with me?' 'Sure' said Aang enthusiastic. Zuko an Aang stepped further inside of the room. Thats when they saw something falling from above. It was a trap. A few seconds later they were in a net with their hands tied together. They looked down and saw Ozai laughing: 'I assume you met my other son'. While Ozai was almost laying on the floor from laughter Aang blew his bisonflute to his lips. 'Get help Appa!' He screamed after he blew on the flute.

So this was the 4th chapter. I hope you liked it. Leave comments if you have an idea or just want to share something. I am sorry that i hadnt post earlier. Bye:)

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