9. what happened after the party

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To be honest the last part was trash. I think this part is a bit less trash lmao. Enjoy siStErS


Aang saw Katara kissing another boy. 'Turns out she didn't miss me at all' he mumbled while tears were streaming down his face.


Aang walked to his skybizon, his vision still blurred by tears. 'What's up twinkle toes' said Toph. 'Ask Katara  who was kissing another boy'. Aang hopped on Appa and flew away while Toph was in shock.

As the party ended Sokka, Suki, Mai, Zuko and Toph returned to the boat. 'Where are Aang and Katara' asked Sokka. 'Katara is problably with her new boy and Aang is problably rethinking his life desicions for liking Katara somewhere in the air with Appa. 'Wait... Katara kissed another boy... didn't expect her to do that' said Sokka who was shocked by the strange behaviour of her sister. 'Well I guess we should just let them be, lets go to the watertribe palace!'

They arrived at the castle exhausted. A guard brought Zuko and Mai to a room and another guard brought Toph to her room. Sokka grabbed Suki’s hand and pulled her to the meeting room and sat down. He asked a guard to get Grangran, Pakku and Hakuda. As soon as they sat down Sokka started speaking: ‘so, you may have noticed Aang and Katara aren’t here. Aang left La se as soon as he saw Katara and another boy kissing, since the kiss Katara has been traceless. I think the situation is a bit strange. Katara loved Aang with her whole heart, and I really don’t think she is a person who would cheat. What do you guys think?’. There was some silence. ‘Katara would never cheat’ said Grangran ‘But maybe we should revise the situation tomorrow because it is really late at night’. ‘That sounds like a plan’ said Hakuda while yawning. Sokka and Suki walked to their shared bedroom. Sokka was drowning in his thoughts. It just did not feel right.

Suki and Sokka sat down at the dining room when breakfast was served, followed by Mai, Zuko and Toph. ‘So the plans for today are: Katara’s disappearance and Suki’s choice’ said Hakuda while looking at a part of the Gaang. ‘Suki’s choice?’ asked Toph confused ‘yes, Suki has to choose between staying a Kyoshi warrior or being Sokka’s girlfriend, and eventually, the queen’. Suki turned white and choked on her food. ‘I need some space’ said Suki as she excused herself. ‘Was it necessary to get straight to the point dad?’ ‘She needed to know, eventually’. Sokka left the dining room to find Suki. He knew she did like the cold weather and snow so he figured she must be outside. Sokka smiled to himself as he saw Suki standing in the courtyard and walked up to her. ‘I said I needed some space, didn’t I’ Suki turned around to look at Sokka with her teary face. ‘Can you please leave?’ Sokka turned around and walked back to the castle. If only I could ask Kyoshi if it was okay with her Suki thought. Then it hit her: She could talk with Kyoshi through Aang. She must find Aang. Suki decided to leave the next day really early.

‘So, as you may know Katara kind of disappeared yesterday after she kissed some dude. It could be that he was her hidden love and that they ran off, but that is very unlikely since Toph could sense that Katara was deeply in love with Aang. I really think the situation is strange’ said Sokka to the people in the meeting room. ‘We don’t have any more information, so I want you all to be cautious. If there is something suspicious please say’. And with that being said the meeting ended. Suki was really silent when Sokka and she turned back to their shared room. ‘Goodnight Suki’ Sokka said while he hugged her. ‘Goodnight’.

Sokka opened his eyes and saw the other side of the bed was empty. Almost empty. There was a little note on it what said:

Hi Sokka for making that important choice I must find Aang

See you soon Love you


After processed what was standing on the card a guard stormed in his room ‘your majesty, this letter was found this morning’. And the guard handed Sokka a letter.

We captured Katara, if you want her back, come and exchange her with the avatar. Meet us in four weeks at the outside of Ba Sing Se. If not she will not be seen alive.

Sincerely Ozai and Azula

Sokka’s world was crashed with two pieces of paper

Well, that was it. I wrote this at night when I should problably have slept. Y'all better leave comments. See you at the next part!

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