The Train Ride

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3rd year

Athena's POV

I said my goodbyes to my parents before boarding the train to Hogwarts. I'm starting my third year now and I couldn't be more excited. I passed by many compartments until I found an empty one. I entered the compartment and put my trunk up. I don't have a lot of stuff. I think it's pointless to bring a lot of clothes if we will be in our robes and uniforms most of the time. So I just got basic things.

Once I settled down I looked through the window and waved goodbye to my parents one last time. When the train started moving I got out a book that I've been dying to read but resisted so I can read it on the train.

After reading a few pages, the compartment door opened and four boys stood there. One had messy brown hair, brown eyes glinting with mischief, and wore round glasses. The other had gray eyes and dark brown hair styled to perfection, he also looked mischievous. The third guy was the tallest in the group and hard dirty blond hair and dark brown eyes, he had a calming aura around her and looked friendly. The last one was the shortest. He was a bit chubby and had rat-like features.

"Hello, may we sit here? All other compartments are full." Asked the one with glasses.

"Sure," I said in a low voice, and they entered immediately, putting their trunks up.

I was naturally awkward and shy, but the introvert in me took over completely when they entered. That's because I knew who they are. James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. They are the most popular boys in our year, if not in the whole school. They call themselves the Marauders. They are the biggest pranksters in school. They play pranks on everyone. Mostly harmless pranks but sometimes it's borderline bullying, like how they bully a boy in Slytherin called Severus Snape. Yes, the guy is weird, but that doesn't mean they should bully him and prank him almost every day.

I just ignored them and continued reading my book, which was hard due to how loud they were. Soon, the trolley lady came and asked us if we wanted anything. I wasn't really hungry but I loved sweets and was in a mood for some chocolate so I bought two chocolate frogs and a bar of chocolate for later, while they bought more than half the trolley. I feel bad for the other students, what will they eat.

I put the big chocolate bar in my bag to save it for later and decided to eat the chocolate frogs now. After I finished I went back to my book.

"Why did you buy a big chocolate bar if you don't want to eat it?" Sirius asked, interrupting my reading.

"I want to save it for later when I'm in the mood for chocolate," I answered then tried to go back to my book.

"Oh, so you like chocolate. Remus here is a chocoholic." James said pointing at his friend who looked embarrassed.

"That's nice," I said and tried to get back to my book again. I almost face-palmed myself. That's nice? What kind of reply is that? Sirius chuckled. 

Just great. Now I embarrassed myself in front of my crush. Yes, I have a crush on him, which will pass because I am sure it is one-sided and will never happen. I am not his type and he shouldn't be mine.

"So, what are you reading?" asked Sirius. I was shocked. Was he trying to make a conversation with me?

"It's a muggle book." I said, "It's called Angels and Demons."

"A muggle book? So you're a muggle-born?" he asked. Of course, he would ask that. I heard the Blacks are big on blood status. Another reason why we would never be together.

"Yes," I whispered.

"That's cool. I bet your parents are proud," he said. If only he knew.

"Yeah," I answered simply and again attempted to continue reading.

"So where are your friends?" James asked. I almost snapped at them because I just wanted to continue reading in peace.

"Guys, I think you should stop bothering the girl. She is trying to read." Remus, bless him, noticed my discomfort, and interfered.

"Thank you," I mumbled under my breath, not wanting anyone to hear but Remus smiled at me knowingly as if he heard, which was weird.

"Okay okay, one last thing. Introductions." He said and turned to me. "I'm James Potter, this is Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. And you are?"

"Athena Royal. Nice to meet you all." I said, not mentioning that I already know that because practically everybody knew them. Their ego doesn't need to be fed.

I turned back to my book, this time no one interrupted me, thankfully. I felt a pair of eyes on me though. I tried to discreetly look to see if anyone is looking. I saw Sirius staring. I turned back to my book again and ignored him. Why was he looking?

"Hey, Sirius. Did you hear what I just said?" James asked him clicking his fingers in front of his face.

"What?" Sirius asked James. I just ignored the whole thing and focused on my book.

About an hour later, I got up to go change my robes. I got out of the compartment relieved to finally be away from the boys. They are so loud and they never shut up.

As I was walking towards the changing compartment, I bumped into someone and almost fell back but they caught me. I looked up and saw a pair of forest green eyes. It was a boy who had jet black hair which was cut short and was a bit messy. Not as messy as James' but still messy. It was cute. The boy was cute.

"Hey, there. Be careful. Are you alright?" He asked, smiling.

"I-I'm fine. Thanks. I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I said. Damn, why did I stutter?

"No problem. I wasn't paying attention either," he said. He was nice.

"Oh, okay," I said rubbing the back of my neck, I'm being awkward again. "I am going to go change into my robes," I said and walked past him.

"Okay, see you around," he said and winked at me. I blushed and went to change.

When I got back to my compartment, the boys were already in their robes. I sat in my place again.

"You're in Gryffindor? That's weird. I didn't see you around." Sirius said. Ouch. That hurt.

I simply shrugged.

We soon arrived and got off the train. The excited and nervous first years went with Hagrid while the rest of the students headed towards the carriages.

Once we arrived at Hogwarts, we went to the Great Hall. Professor Dumbledor gave his speech then the sorting began. It was boring so I zoned out for a while. Suddenly, food appeared at the table and everyone started eating, including me.

I felt eyes on my back. I turned around and saw the Hufflepuff boy who I bumped into on the train. He smiled at me and I gave a small smile back and turned around again.

Later that night, I lay in bed thinking how weird this day was. First, the Marauders talk to me. Second, Sirius stares at me, Third I bump into a really cute Hufflepuff boy who also stared at me during the feast.

I decided to just forget about it. It was just a weird day that won't be repeated. And with that thought in mind, I drifted to sleep.

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