The Letter

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Athena's POV

The rest of the week passed by quickly. So did the weekend. It's Monday morning and we were having breakfast and not too long after we started eating, the boys joined us. We gave up trying to shoo them away, so we just ignored them. Well, not all of them. We would talk to Remus and reluctantly answer James and Peter sometimes if they asked something, it was Black who was ignored the most.

The girls and I were talking about classes when owls came in delivering mails. Caroline and Angela didn't get anything. Lily got a letter from her parents and I got two letters. One from mom and one from Lydia and the boys. I read mom's first, it's was the usual one she usually sends every week, asking me about my studies and how is everything. I opened Lydia's letter next. It was pretty much the same except that each paragraph in the letter is from a different person. They always send their letters like that instead of sending them separately.

"Is this from Lydia?" asked Lily.

"Yes, from Lydia and the boys. They all say hi,  by the way. There is a special hi from someone to you Angie." I said and winked at her. She blushed.

"A-a special hi from Lydia? T-that's nice of her," she said trying to play dumb, but her blush gave her away.

"Don't act dumb, Angie. You know it's from Leon," I said.

"Ooh, let me see let me see," Caroline said grabbing the letter from me and scanning it quickly, looking for Leon's paragraph. "Oh, there it is. I'm going to read it to you.
Hey, Ay. How are you? We miss you terribly, it's so boring here without you (don't tell the others that). Anyway, how is Angie? She grew from pretty cute to beautiful this summer. Does she have nerd mode on when she's at school  like you, nerdy? Say hi to all of your friends, especially Angie. Oh, and Lydia told us that that bloody son of a bitch is annoying you again. I don't know if she is exaggerating or telling the truth, but if he is, tell us. The boys and I are ready to come over there, kidnap him, make Lily magically tie him up and the boys and I will break every bone in his body then throw him in that creepy forest you told us about. Or we could catastrate... - okay I'm not reading the rest of this. Too much detailed violence," Caroline said.

Remus, who was sitting beside her and reading over her shoulder had a look of horror on his face. Angie, however started laughing and grabbed it and read it and laughed harder. Caroline punched her arm mumbling that it's not funny.

"Do I even want to read this?" Lily asked with a cringing slightly.

"I don't think you do, Lils," I said with a chuckle. I heard a throat clear from beside me.

"So, um, who are those boys?" asked Black.

"My best friends," I answered without looking at him.

"Just friends?" he asked and I turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow. Before I could say anything Lily cut me off.

"More like, brothers. They're all very close and very protective of the girls," she said and I nodded.

"Remember how they glared at that cute waiter in the cafe you took us to? Poor guy started sweating," Angie said.

"Yeah, I stopped taking them there with me. Only Lydia, Lily and I go there now," I chuckled.

"That extreme, huh?" Remus asked.

"Yeah, sometimes it's funny but sometimes it's really annoying," I told him. "Lily and I almost got free ice cream once, but nooo, Stefan had to scare the shit out of the waiter."

"Are they protective of you too, Lily?" asked James.

"Yes, as I said, Athena's friends my friends, too, since we hangout a lot in the summer," Lily replied.

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