First day

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Athena's POV

It was the first day of classes and the girls and I sat at breakfast comparing our schedules. We share most of our classes together except for Divination, Astronomy, and History. I have Divination with Angie, History with Lily, and Astronomy alone.

"Astronomy will suck without you guys," I pouted.

"At least you have it with Hufflepuff, maybe Theo will be there," Lily said and winked at me. My face turned red.

"Ooh, will there be some action this year?" Angie teased.

"The only action we will get is when Caroline finally talks with Remus without stuttering or turning into a tomato," I stirred the conversation from me. Or tried.

"Oh shut it, he doesn't even acknowledge me long enough for me to get myself together and stop stuttering. And don't change the subject. You and Theo will be an item by the end of the term. You'll see," Caroline huffed.

"First, Remus does acknowledge you, but you are too busy blushing to notice. Second, Theo and I didn't talk since we had that potions assignment last year," I said.

"Well, I did catch him stare at you a few times," Lily said. I blushed.

" Really? I didn't notice," I said.

"Of course you didn't notice, "Angie rolled her eyes," You don't even notice how half the boys in our year look at you."

"Now you're exaggerating," I rolled my eyes

"She's not wrong, you know, for a smart person, you are quite oblivious when it comes to these things," Lily said.

"Whatever, now let's stop talking about my love life and go to class. We have Transfiguration first with Ravenclaw," I said, getting up and taking my things.

The girls followed suit and we headed to class. Thankfully, we arrived early. Lily and I sat in the front, as usual, while the girls sat directly behind us. This is how we usually sit in all of our classes.

Soon, the class was almost full when Profesor McGonagall arrived and closed the door behind her. 

"Good morning, everyone. I would like to welcome you all to the Transfiguration class. I think that by now you all know the rules. Howe-" the professor was cut off by two boys barging into class.

"We're sorry for being late, professor," said Potter.

"Mr. Potter and Mr. Black, mind telling me why you are late?" she asked.

"We don't have a good excuse, professor, we slept in," Black said. Professor McGonagall was clearly annoyed.

"Since we still didn't start class, I will allow you to come in. However, this is the last time I will let you in if you were late again. Am I clear?" she said.

"Yes, professor," said Potter.

"Very well, then, take your seats," she motioned for them to come in and closed the door behind them. "Now, as I was saying, I do not tolerate tardiness and improper behavior in class. No talking to your colleague or distracting them. Assignments should be handed in on time. This year I would like to make one change, though. I have decided to make a seating arrangement."

The class groaned at that.

"Silence," she said, "I have decided to mix the houses together. Each student will sit with someone from the other house. Now, your names will appear on board along with which seat you will take."

And on cue, names started appearing on the board and everyone started moving seats. When I found mine, I saw a blonde boy from Ravenclaw sitting there already. I guess he will be sitting beside me.

"Hi," I said as I sat.

"Hey," he replied, "I'm Martin."

"I'm Athena," I said.

"Athena? As in the goddess of war and wisdom? Are you greek?" he asked.

"Yes, and no I'm not greek but my father was obsessed with their mythology," I said with a slight blush.

I noticed Lily in the seat in front of me. I leaned towards her and pulled at a strand of her hair.

"Hey!" she turned around glaring at me and I laughed.

Before I could say anything, the class has started. I heard whispers behind me and turned around. I saw Black talking with a Ravenclaw girl who's sitting beside him. He noticed me looking and I rolled my eyes turning to face the font again.

The class passed by quickly. The girls and I walked towards our next class which is charms.

"I really hope Professor Flitwick doesn't decide to make a seating arrangement. I'm stuck beside a boy called Dan and he stinks. I barely held in my breakfast," Angie complained.

I laughed so hard. "And here I was feeling down because Black is sitting right behind me," I said.

Just as I said that someone bumped into me from behind.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, sweetcheeks," said Black, he winked at me then ran off. 

"What the..?" I said.

"The nerve of him!" said Angie.

"Let's go to class and hope none of them are there," I said.

"Except Remus," piped Caroline.

"Yeah yeah, except Remus," chuckled Lily.

We arrived to class right on time but there were already too many people. Thankfully we were still somehow able to sit the way we usually do. Except that Lily and I sat in the second row and the girls in the row behind us. 

Professor Flitwick hasn't arrived yet, but the group of loud, rowdy boys just entered and started looking around for seats.

"Great," Lily whispered to me, "must they all be here?"

"Hey, Lily," came Potter's voice from beside Lily, "How are you this fine morning?"

"It was better before you came here," Lily said.

Those two always amuse me. Their banter never gets old.

"But mine is better now that I'm talking to you."

"No one cares, Potter," Lily glared at him, "Now go away."

"Wrong, Evans, I care," Black popped behind Potter.

"No one cares about that either," Lily said, while I was looking at Black. Why does he have to stick to Potter like a glue?

"Hey, Athena," Black said. What the...?

"It's Royal to you," I glared.

"Someone is grumpy," he said.

"Go away before I hex you, Black," I told him. At this moment, Professor Flitwick entered.

"Good morning class," said Professor Flitwick, "please take your seats."

With that, Potter and Black sat in the back and class thankfully started. A few minutes later, a note landed on my desk. It's from Caroline.

What was that about?

It said. Instead of writing, I turned around and mouthed I don't know.

"Ms. Royal, mind telling us what Aparecium is?" asked Professor Flitwick catching me mouthing to Caroline. 

"It's a revealing charm, sir," I answered, "it reveals secret messages written in invisible ink or any other hidden markings. Also works against Concealing charms."

"Very well," said the professor, "please, do not disturb the class, Ms. Royal."

"Yes, sir."

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