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❝She wore death with pride, finding comfort and it's warm embrace.❞

── In which Echo Lightbourne
fights to survive her games
and the many others waiting to be played


━━ THE ODDS WERE NEVER IN ANYONE'S FAVOUR. In reality, the odds never existed in the first place. A world where people gathered to watch innocent children die was no world where hope nor odds resided. A world such as Panem, who annually witnessed as families were torn apart, their blood, friends, and acquaintances, televised dead in an arena.

Echo Lightbourne like several in her country encountered death at a young age, an occurrence that had become normal in Panem. Her father, Quentin, had fallen ill after his wife's death, leaving Echo who was only thirteen, to fend for herself. The wake of these unfortunate events prompted the young girl to abandoned her old lifestyle, leaving her close friends who played by the beach behind her. Friends like Finnick Odair, who also found himself stained by grief, pain and misery.

Though, as the years passed, Echo grew to detest the games like everyone around her, dreading to watch the carnage each Hunger Games presented. It wasn't fair, but nothing ever was when the Capitol was involved. However, when push came to shove, Echo couldn't do anything when her name was reaped for the 68th Hunger Games. Echo merely hoped she could escape the horrors that came with the games, but the odds were never in Echo's favour.

She knew her chances of survival were null. However, as she stood above the onlookers of District 4 the day she was reaped, Echo chose to fight till the very end. For her mother, for her father, and the dead childhood, she was forced to abandon.

Echo Lightbourne was ready to play their twisted games till the very end.

ii: CAST !

━━ the fallen angel
❝ I'll find my own bravado. ❞


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𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐃𝐎 ── (FINNICK ODAIR)Where stories live. Discover now