Chapter 1

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"It's just a test flight, Della! No harm in that..." Della Duck tried to comfort herself as she was having second thoughts.

"You already wrote the note telling Uncle Scrooge and Donald that you were taking the Spear of Selene! There's no turning back now!" She added as she finished packing her bag.

She put the bag over her shoulder and started walking towards the door, but after she had taken a few steps, she stopped. She turned around and looked back at her three eggs. Scrooge and Donald had left the room for a few minutes, leaving Della alone with them.

"You boys better not hatch until I get back, you hear me!?" Della said jokingly as she walked up to them and set her bag down.

"I'm going to be gone for a little bit. I'm taking a rocket ship to outer space for a test flight!" She said to them excitedly.

"If it's a success, I could take you three into space with me when you're older!" She continued.

"Oh, we're going to go on so many adventures together!" Della smiled just thinking about being able to take her sons with her on her adventures, climbing the highest mountains and swimming through the deepest oceans!

Suddenly, Della could hear Scrooge and Donald's voices from the hallway.

"They're coming!" Della exclaimed, "I have to go now, boys! I love each of you very much!"

Della quickly grabbed her bag and raced out the door to The Spear of Selene. Little did she know that with the quick movement of grapping her bag, one of the eggs had fallen into it and had entered the rocket ship with his mother.


"Mayday! Mayday! Does anybody read me?" Della yelled as the bolts of lightning shot through the air around her ship.

"Stupid, no good-" Della said angrily, slamming her fist on the controls.

Suddenly, the screen changed from just being red to showing a duck wearing headphones, glasses, and an extremely worried look.

"DELLA!" He shouted.

"UNCLE SCROOGE!" Della shouted back in relief.

"Turn back! It's too dangerous! The cosmic storm's coming at ya!" Scrooge told Della.

"DELLA!" He screamed again as the screen turned red and static once more.

Suddenly, one of the lightning bolts struck the Spear of Selene, sending it falling out of the sky rapidly. Della tried and tried to control the ship and stay in the air, but nothing seemed to work and soon, the Spear of Selene slammed into the surface of the moon and scraped against the hard rock until it came to a stop.


Della woke up and slowly blinked a few times. Her head and leg were screaming with pain. Suddenly, she opened her eyes wide, remembering what had happened.

"Oh no!" She gasped. "Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

She then started coughing and choking. She looked around frantically for anything that could help her. Luckily, she found something, Gyro Gearloose's invention that would allow her to breathe.

"YES! Oxy-Chew!" Della yelled in excitement as she reached over for the box.

Once she grabbed it, she removed her helmet, ripped open the box, and shoved the gum into her mouth. As she chewed, she was finally able to breathe again. Moments after, however, she realized there was a disgusting taste in her mouth and she stared at the box, reading the flavor of the gum.

"Ugh! Black licorice!?" She exclaimed.

There was no time to focus on that right now, however. It was time to focus on the next order of business, her leg. Part of the rocket ship had landed on it and now Della couldn't escape. She tried to pull her leg free, but it didn't move. She fell back on the hard moon rock and sighed.

Suddenly, she heard something rolling towards her and she soon felt it touch her shoulder. She looked over to see the egg. She gasped in surprise, picked the egg up, and held it. Della then looked around at the pieces of her crashed ship, her stuck leg, the planet Earth that could be seen floating in the sky, and lastly, the egg that had found its way onto the moon with her. She rested her forehead on the egg and just sat there in the silence, crying.

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