Chapter 10

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After eating cake, Dewey feeling sick, and a bedtime story, it was finally time for Jet to get settled in.

"Sorry..." Dewey explained. "We don't really have many clothes besides my blue shirts and Louie's green hoodies..."

Jet was looking through their closet to find some actual clothes for him to wear instead of the red blanket. There were a few random pieces of clothing in there, but Dewey was right, the closet was mostly just filled with blue and green. Jet was able to find something that intrigued him however, a red shirt with a collar and a red baseball cap.

His brothers left the room for him to change and once he opened the door again dressed, he flicked the tip of his hat with his fingers. The clothes were interesting feeling... and kinda itchy, but he was going to have to just deal with it.

"Alright, lad!" Scrooge announced, walking into the room, holding some blankets.

"We'll add another bed to the bunk bed eventually for you to sleep in, but as for now, you can make yourself a bed with these!" Scrooge handed Jet the blankets and left the room, wishing everyone a good night.

Jet sighed and made a quick little bed on the floor. He honestly didn't mind sleeping there, he was used to not sleeping on a soft mattress.

With that, everyone got ready for bed. They didn't have any pajamas for Jet to wear just yet, so he had to sleep in his clothes, which once again, he didn't really mind. What he did mind however, was laying there with his thoughts.

The whole entire day had been tough for him. First, he arrives excited to finally be on earth and with his family, but turns out, his brothers only care about their mom being back! Then, all throughout the day, they keep having these sweet little family moments about how much they missed each other and how much they love each other and blah, blah, blah! All the while, Jet just sits in the corner and watches. Then, Della makes everyone cake, all the while pampering and giving Jet's brothers all her attention, especially when Dewey got sick. And now, Jet's on the floor. He wasn't upset because of being on the floor specifically, but more because of the fact that Louie and Dewey were both sleeping near each other on their bunk bed, while Jet was sleeping away from them. Ironic.

Jet took a deep breath and closed his eyes, hoping he could fall asleep quickly and escape for a while.


Jet suddenly woke up. He had heard a noise and it sounded extremely familiar. THE MOON MITE WAS TRYING TO EAT THE SHIP AGAIN!

Jet stood up quickly and prepared himself to fight, when suddenly, the light turned on.

"What are you doing?" Louie asked sleepily, with a bit of anger in his voice.

Jet looked over at the bunk bed, Louie was sitting up and giving him an angry look. Jet then looked over at the light switch, Dewey was standing by it.

"IT'S THE MOON MITE!" Jet yelled.

"The moon what!?" Louie asked.

"Oh." Louie then added, realizing it had the word "moon" in its name.

"You're not on the moon anymore, Jet!" Dewey said angrily. "There are no moon mites!"

"Go back to sleep!" Louie added.

Jet stared at them in shock. "But...but what if we're in danger! I heard something!"

Dewey and Louie just ignored him, Dewey turned off the lights and they both tried to fall asleep again.

"Ugh!" Jet yelled, leaving the room. If they got killed, it would be their fault, not his.

Jet started to walk towards the kitchen to get some water, but while walking there, he bumped into someone.

(I understand that what actually happens in the show is the triplets stay up all night because they were scared of the story Della told them, but... let's just pretend that doesn't happen here... OK?...OK...)

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