Chapter 12

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They expected to find something absolutely terrible inside, but that's not what they found. Inside the room, Della wasn't asleep, but instead, she was pacing and mumbling to herself. She didn't even notice the two walk into her room she was so deep in thought.

"Um... mom, are you OK?" Jet suddenly asked.

Della jumped, obviously a bit shocked to hear someone's voice.

"Oh! Jet! Hi!" She responded.

"What's happening, mom? Me and Webby could hear you walking around and talking to yourself from pretty far away!" (I know it doesn't make very much since that Della made that much noise and woke them up. Let's just say that she was yelling at some point. I don't know! XD)

Della panicked when Jet told her this.

"Oh no! Did I wake you two up? I'm so sorry! And what about Turbo and- ugh Dewey and Louie? Did I wake them up too?"

Jet and Webby slowly nodded.

"Great! Good job, Della! You messed up again!" Della told herself.

"Mom-" Jet started.

"Sorry, guys..." Della interrupted.

She sighed.

"Can I tell you two something?"

Jet and Webby nodded, ready to listen.

"IT'S JUST SO HARD!" Della shouted. "I'm trying my absolute best to get used to being on earth again and to be a good mom! On the moon, I only had to worry about Jet, now, I have to worry about three kids! I need to make sure all of them are happy and that no one feels left out! Not to mention, I don't want anyone jealous of the others! Speaking of jealousy! I also feel jealous of how close Dewey and Louie are to Scrooge and how close they'll probably be to Donald when he gets back instead of me!"

Jet stared at her with eyes wide. She was struggling with trying to fit in because of how long she'd been on the moon... And she was also jealous because people were paying more attention to others instead of her... Just like Jet...

"So... you don't know what you're doing?" Jet asked.

Della nodded, tears starting to form.

"And... you're having a hard time adjusting to our situation?" Jet asked.

Della nodded again.

"And you're scared of what the future holds now?"

Della sighed, but nodded.

"...So, I'm not the only one who's struggling..." Jet realized.

Webby and Della were both going through the same things he was... and he wasn't alone! Even though they both seemed like they knew what they were doing, especially Della with how she interacted with Dewey and Louie, they were both struggling.

Della looked at her son and smiled.

"Of course, you're not the only one who's struggling! I've been stuck on the moon for years! I'm struggling probably the most I ever have been!" Della explained.

"And I've been struggling too!" Webby added.

Della suddenly grabbed them both and pulled them into a hug.

"Things are hard right now... no doubt about that... but we'll figure this whole thing out, one day at a time!" Della told them, and herself, as they stopped hugging.

"Now! We should probably get to bed! It's like what? 4:00?" Della said jokingly.

"Oh yeah! It's nighttime!" Jet remembered out loud.

"Yeah... we should definitely get some sleep if we want to figure life out!" Webby responded.

With that, all three of them went their separate ways, Della staying in her room, Jet walking back up to his brothers, and Webby walking to her room. All of them felt out of place, but they now knew that as time went on, they'd all be able to work things out!

(Fun fact: I just killed a bug >:))

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