Chapter 4

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"My name is Louie Duck and a fun fact about me is that I live on a boat with my brother and uncle!" The young duck announced.

He and Dewey were six years old and starting 1st grade. The teacher had told all of the children to go around the room and each person would say their name and one fun fact about themselves so that everyone could get to know them.

"That's wonderful, Louie! Now let's move onto the next person." Their teacher responded.

The next person to go happened to be Dewey, and he was really excited to go. He loved being the center of attention.

"My name is Dewey Duck and one fun fact about me is that Louie and I are twins! Not only that, but I'm the older one!" Dewey told the class proudly.

Dewey loved any chance he got to stand out from the crowd and be different, so he loved being a twin, it made him unique and special. Because of this, he tended to talk about being a twin a lot and he would constantly bring it up to brag about it. He also loved being the oldest, and he loved bragging about that too.

"That's really cool! Not everyone can say that they're a twin! Now, who's next?" The teacher responded.

"Moving on so quickly?" Dewey whispered to himself sadly.

"Hey, I know you want everyone to pay attention to you and think you're cool, but others need a chance too, you know?" Louie told Dewey quietly.

"Yeah, I guess..."

"And she's right, not everyone can say they're a twin!" Louie continued. "And not everyone can say that they're the oldest either!... I can't!" Louie added, frowning.

Dewey laughed.

"The whole point is you are cool, Dewey!" Louie finished, smiling again.

Dewey smiled back.


Thankfully, the school day was over fast and before the twins knew it, they were driving home.

"So, how was your day?" Donald asked the boys.

"Boring!" Louie responded.

"I liked it a lot!" Dewey disagreed. "I got to tell the whole entire class about how I'm a twin and how I'm super special and super cool!"

Donald flinched when Dewey said the word, "twin." He always did for some reason, and there was sadness in his eyes whenever it happened. Dewey and Louie didn't really understand why, but it didn't bother them that much. Plus, asking about it only made Donald worse.

"And I told the whole class about you, Uncle Donald! And how we all live on a boat!" Louie changed the subject.

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