Chapter 5

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Jet was walking around on the moon, looking very closely at the ground for anything that even looked a little like gold, just like he had been doing the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that... He wasn't bored of searching for gold, however, not only was he helping to get home, but looking for gold also gave him a chance to earn his coolest moon rocks badge. All he had to do was find some moon rocks that looked different and out of the ordinary from the others.

He hopped up and down around the area he was searching in, not really finding anything that remarkable. He wasn't finding any gold or even any interesting moon rocks, until he landed in one area. There on the ground was a very interesting looking rock. It was round like other rocks, but on one side, part of it was sticking out and looked sort of like a duck bill, making the rock look like a small duck head. You had to use a bit of your imagination, but luckily for Jet, he was very creative and observant, so he saw a duck head right away.

He picked it up and looked at it proudly, he'd have that badge for sure! He continued hopping, it was a bit harder now that he was holding a heavy rock, but it was fine. It did make him think, however.

"I wonder if this would be harder if there was more gravity here..." He thought out loud.

His mother had told him about how Earth had a lot more gravity than the moon did. She said that it made things feel heavier there and that it was harder to walk on Earth than it was on the moon because of it. Jet enjoyed hopping around on the moon, it made it easier for him to get place to place and get more stuff done. He didn't like the idea of not being able to hop around with ease on Earth, not to mention, he'd probably look really weird hopping around there.

While he was thinking about that, his foot touched something. He looked down to see a rock that looked really similar to the one he had found before. It did look like a duck head, with the beak and everything, but it looked a bit different, as rocks do.

He picked this one up too. He had looked for gold long enough today, and he had found the rocks that could get him his badge, so he decided to call it a day.

Della wasn't too far away from him, she wanted Jet to be able to see her at all times. Even though getting lost on the moon probably would be pretty hard, all you could see was grey rock. A live animal wearing red would probably stand out, even if he was really far away from his mom, but Jet wasn't one to question rules, he just obeyed them.

Because of how close his mother was, all Jet had to do was raise his voice a little for her to hear him.

"MOM! I'm going to head back to the ship!" He called out to her.

She gave him a thumbs up and with that, Jet started hopping towards the place that they were living in on the moon.

Once he got inside, he walked over to his bed, if you could even call it that. All it was was a counter with a blanket on it, but when you're living on the moon, you have to improvise the best you can. He sat down on it and looked at his moon rocks. He then got an idea.

"OK!" He announced. "From now on, you will be Turbo!" He said, holding up one of the rocks and setting it down on the counter closet to his bed.

"And you will be Rebel!" He finished, picking up the other rock and setting it down by the other one.

"I need a way to tell you apart..."

Jet thought for a second and looked around the room. Finally, he saw some rocket parts in a pile. He got up, walked over to the pile, and started searching it. He eventually found a small blue piece of rocket ship and a small green piece. He walked back over to his rocks and set the blue piece by one of them and the green piece by the other.

"There we go!" Jet exclaimed happily. "Turbo is the one by the blue piece and Rebel is the one by the green piece!"

Jet lay down on his bed and faced the rocks.

"So... how was your day?" He asked them.

He then grabbed Turbo and changed his voice as he moved the rock around. "We had a really fun day today! We went adventuring with Uncle Scrooge and Uncle Donald!"

That's what Jet had always wanted to do. Ever since Della had told him stories of how the three went on adventures together, it had become Jet's dream to go on adventures with them too.

"Yeah, it was really fun! How was your day, Jet?" He made Rebel say.

"Oh, it was good... I guess... I found you guys! So that's great!" He responded.

"Wow, I sure do love having brothers who I can talk to every day!" Jet made Rebel say.

"Yeah..." Jet responded sadly.

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