Kuroo Tetsurou- Pocky Game

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Because I'm bored and I want to.

Scenario- It was a weekend afternoon and I was at Kuroo's house. We were playing video games online with Kenma. After Kenma exited the game, Kuroo left the room saying he'd be right back. About 5 minutes passed when he came back with a box of pocky.

I looked up from my phone when Kuroo walked in the room.

"What's that?" I asked, noticing the box of sweets in his hand.

"This?" He smiled coyly. "Just a game I thought we could play."

"Like, an eating contest?"

"Almost..." he sat down next to me on his bed and took out a stick of the candy.

"We each take an end and eat to the middle. Whoever backs away first loses," he explained.

"Is that a challenge?" I asked. He smirked devilishly.

"Oh you're on!" I said. "I'm not scared of you!" He held the stick out to me, and we each took an end.

We took the first bite at the same time, hearing the precious treat snap under our teeth. I was determined not to lose to him. Our eyes were locked onto each other, aware that neither person would back down easily. The smug grin on his face made me even more competitive. I refuse to let him win!

When we finally got to the middle, I took the last bite, pressing my lips against Kuroo to keep him from taking my victory. Only I hadn't realized what I was getting into until I felt his tongue touch mine.

"Ah!" Wait, was that an accident?

"I-I'm sorry!" I apologized and tried to pull away. At that moment, I felt Kuroo's arms wrap around my waist.

"No, don't be," he said softly. He almost sounded sad. "It was my fault. I didn't consider if you'd be okay with it."

I turned around to look at him, to tell him it was fine. But before I could speak, he placed his forehead against mine and looked directly into my eyes.

"Kuroo, what are you-"

"You're not going to lose again, are you?" he asked mischievously.

I hesitated. I could see the plea hidden behind his eyes. I could feel it. I couldn't help but share the same emotions I was sensing from him.

I smiled at him. "Of course not," I said.

A small smile touched his lips and he laughed a little.

"Good," he replied.

I closed my eyes as he leaned in. His lips soon reached mine in a gentle kiss that slowly became more and more passionate. His grip became firm, hugging me as if he were begging me to stay. I lifted my arms over his shoulders and ran my fingers through his hair. He relaxed and continued to kiss me as if it were the end of the world. I didn't mind. I let him have his way and enjoyed every second of it.

I might have lost the game, but I won a valuable prize.

So, uh... Let me know what you guys think. Is it OOC? I really don't know. But I had fun writing it. I'll accept any positive feedback and honest critiques I can get!

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