Kageyama- Stars

415 14 35

Special thanks to kenmaapplepikozume

-After the Karasuno boys were finished practicing and cleaning, I started to head home. It was late and it was dark outside. But before I left the gym, Kageyama called out to me. "There's something I want to show you," he said. He didn't talk to me until everyone parted ways in front of Sakanoshida.-

It was just the two of us at this point. He hasn't spoken to me since practice ended.

I wonder what it is...

"Hey," he interrupted my thoughts.

I looked up, startled. "U-uh, yeah?"

"How long before you go home?" he asked.

I checked the time on my phone. It was 7:30 pm. "Well, how long are you planning to stay out?"

"I don't know. Half an hour?"

"Hold on, let me call my mom." I unlocked my phone and called her. "... Yeah, uh-huh. About 30 minutes... 'Kay, thanks!" I hung up.

"Alright, let's go," I said to him. "By the way, where are you taking me?"

He looked at me. I couldn't quite read his expression. "There's a park nearby. I heard that you can see the stars really clearly..." the rest of his sentence trailed off as he lowered his voice.

"What? I didn't quite get that," I said.

"Just shut up and come with me!" he said rather impatiently.

I followed him to the park. No one else was there but us. We spent a few minutes looking for a bench. It was kind of chilly outside at night, and the wind was blowing a gentle, but consistent breeze. I grabbed onto his jacket and walked a little closer to him. He turned around swiftly.

"What are you doing?" he questioned.

"It's cold," I replied.

He took his jacket off and handed it to me. "Here," he said.

"Oh, I didn't mean-"

"Take it!" he interrupted me.

"Or maybe we could share it? I think it's big enough if you wrap it around our shoulders as long as I stay close to you."

"Fine," he said plainly, and wrapped the jacket around the both of us. To ensure that my suggestion would work, I wrapped my arms around his and walked as close to him as possible.

"What are you doing now?" he asked.

"Just trying to stay close," I smiled. Although it was dark, I could tell he was blushing. "Whatever, dumbass," he said, trying to sound tough.

How cute! I thought to myself.

We sat down on a bench together, still covered by the jacket.

"Look," Kageyama said, pointing to the sky. I looked up.

Thousands of stars shined beautifully in the night, decorating the sky like glitter and diamonds. It was really a sight to behold. The atmosphere around us suddenly became more magical and euphoric. It was enchanting. I found myself holding my breath, taking in the stars' beauty.

"Hey," Kageyama's voice broke my trance with the stars. "I, I brought you here cuz... There's something I wanted to tell you..."

I looked at him. His eyes met mine. I still couldn't read his expression. "Yeah?" I said.

"I like you," he said.

I stared at him. His eyes didn't leave mine for even a second. "I, uh-"

"I like you," he said again, no hesitation in his voice. We sat there for a moment. Then he turned away and averted his gaze, his eyes shifted from me to the ground.

"Me too."

He looked back at me. "Really?" he asked.

I smiled. "Yeah," I said. He blushed again. I reached down and held his hand, intertwining my fingers with his. He tensed. "Chill dude," I said while laughing lightly. He turned away from me again, embarrassed.

I laughed again. "How long have you liked me anyway?" I asked curiously.

"Since... Since I first saw you," he replied.

"Oh, love at first sight, eh?" I teased. He only blushed in response.

"What about you?" he asked.

"I don't really know," I said. "I mean, sure I thought you were cute at first, but I think it took awhile before I knew I really liked you." I looked at him and smiled again. I squeezed his hand a little. "But I really do feel the same."

Then the most amazing thing happened. Kageyama smiled. Like, he really smiled. It was a tiny smile, but it was genuine and it was adorable! I returned the smile with one of my own. We both blushed and laughed. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks," I said.

"For what?"

"For bringing me here, for confessing, for being so freaking sweet and adorable!" I could practically feel the embarrassment on his face, even without being able to see it.

"Whatever," he said. "It was nothing, really."

"Yeah, yeah, sure," I joked.

After that, he walked me home, hands still linked together. I thanked him again and we said our goodbyes, parting ways. I went straight to bed as soon as I got home. Before falling asleep, I sent him a text.

Me: I really enjoyed tonight!

Kageyama: That's good. Maybe we should go again.

I smiled as I drifted off to sleep. Yeah, tonight really was amazing.

The end!! I know it's a little longer than my usual updates, but I still hope it's good! Let me know what y'all think!

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