Kenma- Snuggles

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I'm running out of chapter names lol. 

But I finally made a Kenma chapter!

Also, sorry I've been off of this for so long, some of you know why.

Also also, I don't know when I'll get around to part 2 of Iwaizumi's story. I'm still trying to come up with a good idea. Feel free to give suggestions or more requests.

Now, back to soft boi hours.

I was watching the Nekoma boys' practice today. They were all in top form, even Kenma, which was surprising, because the others say he usually doesn't get involved as much as the rest of them. While they were practicing, I noticed he kept looking my direction. But every time I made eye contact, he turned away almost immediately.


Kenma's POV

After practice, Kuroo walked up to me.

"So, I noticed you were looking at a certain someone~" he teased.

"Don't say it like that," I said without looking at him. "you make it sound weird."

"Oh, so there is something going on, isn't there?"

I looked at him, slightly irritated. He laughed heartily and put his arm around my shoulder.

"You're never gonna get anywhere in life if you don't man up and say what you want, y'know!" he said.

"What are you talking about?"

He let go of me and looked at y/n and then back at me. "I can read you like a book, and we both know you know exactly what I'm talking about." he said before leaving me to yell at Lev.

I looked back at y/n. They smiled and waved from across the gym.


Once I had finished helping out the guys, I was about to head home when I heard a voice call out my name. I turned to see it was Kenma trying to get my attention.

"What's up?" I asked.

He looked away from me. "Wanna go to my house and play games?" he asked. "I've been bored lately and you're my friend so..." his sentence trailed off.

"Sure!" I replied. "I've got nothing better to do anyway. And it'd be nice to actually hang out together!"


When we got to his house, we played games for about 2 hours straight before taking a break. Kenma left the room during the break and came back with pillows and a large blanket.

"Why only one blanket?" I asked curiously.

"It's because I couldn't find 2 separate ones," he replied plainly. "Is there a problem with it?"

"No, just curious," I said. "Besides, it'll be warmer if we share."

"Yeah," he agreed quietly, smiling a little.

I moved over so he could place the pillows and then he sat next to me, covering us both with the blanket.

"So, what are we gonna play now?" I asked.

He was silent for a moment before responding.

"Actually, I... I have something I wanted to tell you..."

He averted his gaze to the side and his cheeks turned to a bright pink. "I like you," he whispered. It was barely audible, but I heard it.

"Me too," I replied. He looked up at me, clearly surprised. Then he smiled and placed his head on my shoulder.

And with that, we continued to play games all snuggled up together.


And here's my long awaited return (I mean, not that long, but still). Sorry it was so short.

When I had the idea for this I wasn't too sure how to write it because the only things I had written down were like, "Kuroo says something" "Kenma says this" "kenma does that" "Kenma blushes" "y/n says something" "smiles" "cuddles".

Let me know what you think or if there's any requests/suggestions!

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