Sugawara- Pep Talk

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It's been awhile since I posted here hasn't it? Like what, 2 days?

Whelp anyways, I decided to write. I was gonna save it for later, but nevermind. I'm not exactly doing a request on this one, but I will for the next one. I just wanted to write about Suga because he's amazing.

So without further ado,

have some wholesome.

"Oh my god I'm so borrrrred!!" I said while lazing about on my couch. There wasn't really much to do. My parents were out for a couple of days on a mini vacation and my siblings were sleeping over at their friend's house. So I was left alone at the house with nothing to do. I decided I'd call Sugawara. He and the Karasuno guys came back from a practice game with Nekoma yesterday.

I wonder how he's doing...

"Sugaaaaaa!!!" I whined playfully when he picked up the phone.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing much. I'm bored. Wanna hang out? I'm literally the only one home right now."

"Sure! I'll be there in about 10 minutes."

"Kayyyyyyy!! See you later then!"


Once Suga got to my house, he rang the doorbell. I opened the door and greeted him with a warm smile.

"Hi!" I said, playfully punching him on the arm.

He smiled awkwardly at me. "How are you?" he asked, walking into the house.

We made our way over to the couch and sat down. "Honestly, I don't even know right now. I'm too bored to have emotions. That's basically why I called you over."

"I'm not sure I'm the best company, but thanks for inviting me."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned. "You're amazing company. You're not rowdy like the others, but you're not too quiet either. You're you and that's enough for me," I said reassuringly.

He smiled at me, but the look in his eyes was a little distant.

"You good?" I asked.

He grew silent for a moment, not responding.

"Hey," I said. "You know you can tell me, right? I know you. You don't have to hide it from me, you know. I'm not your teammates."

"We lost to Nekoma again. I know it was just a practice game, but it still hurt."

"Did you get to play?"

"No," he said sadly.

I looked at him, concerned. "I'm not really sure how that feels, but I know it's not great," I sympathized.

"Yeah, but," he continued. "Everyone on our team still played their best. It was a pretty close game for awhile." He smiled, still upset. "Even though they lost, they're all really good at what they do..."

I looked at him for a moment before pinching his cheek.

"Ow! Hey!!" He protested.

"Are you trying to say you're not as good as them?" I asked him sternly.

"What? No!" He defended. "I just-"

"Come off it!" I interrupted. "That's exactly what you meant. You don't think you're good enough because you're not in the starting lineup. You're jealous that the others get to play. You're mad. You're upset. You feel like you're not working hard enough."

He looked at me, confused. "What makes you think I feel like that?"

"Oh please," I said. "You're not that hard to figure out," I let go of his face. "You might be able to hide it from your teammates, but anyone who pays attention can realize you're upset."

"... Yeah," he finally agreed. "I am upset. It's my last year and I really want to play, to win," his expression tensed.

"I know," I replied calmly. "But you really gotta stop getting down on yourself." I ruffled his hair. "You work just as hard as everyone else. You're an amazing player! You support your team and you're able to change their attitude just by being in the game with them."

"Thanks," he said. "But unlike Kageyama I don't-"

"Ah! I don't wanna hear it!" I cut him off again, putting a finger to his lips to silence him. He grabbed my wrist and lowered my hand. "You. Are. Perfect. You're not Kageyama, so don't even think about your differences. Both of you have your own traits that make you good people and dependable players. You should understand that more than anyone."

He looked at me, softening his expression. He rested his head on my shoulder. I smiled at him and ran my fingers through his hair.

"You're fine the way you are," I said softly. "I know that whether your on the team or on the sidelines, your team depends on you and appreciates you for who you are, not your talents." I paused for a moment before continuing. "And so do I. I love you for who you are and nothing more."

"Thank you," he said quietly. "I feel a lot better now." He closed his eyes and sighed. I kissed his forehead.

"I'm sure you do," I said jokingly.

And with that, we snuggled together on my couch and fell asleep watching tv together.

I wasn't to sure how to end this, but there ya go.

Let me know what you thought of it.

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