Chapter 3

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Hey my lovelies. I am up with another chapter. Hope you guys like it!

It has already been 3days since the dinner with Opas-imakajorn family, where his father decided to drop a huge bomb.

Right now Bright is in his office room working on the tender.
He is supposed to present it to his father tommorow before he has a meeting with his client.

He picked up the blue file from the Public Relations department. Win's assistant Fong had dropped the file in his office just this morning that's why Bright hasn't been able to go through it even once.
He is done with all other aspects of the tender, he has reviewed them as well. Just this one file was left.

Bright stretched his arm and rubbed his eyes tiredly before getting started with the blue file.

Trust this Metawin to always be lazy and bring him the file literally a day before! Lazy Brat!

Bright hasn't had any conversation with Win since the dinner. He was very furious that night but the next day he woke up, he didn't seem to care. Not at all! He was just focused on his ongoing tender which was due in a few days. He didn't have time for other nonsense!

And what do you think? How did Bright decide to handle the situation?

Well... Bright has come up with nothing! He will talk to his parents once he has sometime. Maybe they will forget about it if they see that he isn't interested? If not he will have to talk to Win and come up with a way to convince there parents, which obviously was last on Bright's list.

Anyways he hadn't met that Win for 3 days now so he thought that his parents were giving them space to get to know eachother. Maybe they wouldn't interfere anymore. He is just waiting for the day when he can give a final answer and get rid of this chaos.

12:30 pm

"Whattt the! When was this brat going to inform me about the online advertisement? This is a new addition. His small brains didn't think of providing me the guidelines for the online venture? What have i gotten myself into? I need it ready by today." Bright sighed frustrated. He has been working on this project for a long time now. If tommorow the clients ask him about the online advertisement policy he can't just stand there looking dumb! He needs to talk to someone from the PR department right now!

"Earn i need someone from PR right now to assist me with the advertisement part. Please ask someone to come up here ASAP."  He commanded Earn ove the phone.

"Oh sure. I'll get back to you in 5. " Earn said hearing the urgency in Bright's voice.

"Thanks Earn." Sarawat resumed with his work then.


"Hey Bright, i called the PR department. Mr. Earth said he is more than willing to assist you but he wants to talk to you first over the line" Earn said in one breath, not wanting to waste any second of Bright's precious time.

"Sure, connect me to him." Bright replied rubbing his forehead.

"Hey Bright, this is Earth from PR department. I was told you need some assistance regarding the advertisement plan. I just wanted to know what help do you need so that i can prepare any  necessary documents before i come over." Mr. Earth, the General manager of PR department said.

"Hey Earth, yes i do need some help with the advertisement. I never saw the online advertisement plan before. Its completely new to me. I was hoping if you could go through the guidelines with me?" Bright said.

I do! (BrightWin)Where stories live. Discover now