Chapter 10

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Hey loves, I am back. I had just looked from where all my readers are and i tried greeting you all in your own language. I used google for it so I might be wrong. Let me know if i am saying it wrong and sorry in advance.

I hope you enjoy reading and positive criticism is always welcomed.

Much love.

Win had taken a shower and changed his clothes already.

He offered Bright a change of cloth as well as office clothes aren't the most comfortable ones and Bright simply said okay getting inside the washroom for a shower.

Was he planning to stay for long? Win thought to himself.

He just layed on his bed, a hand over his eyes to mask the daylight. But he wasn't asleep.

After a few minutes he heard Bright come out of his washroom. He literally fought the urge to look up at Bright to see how  he looked in his clothes but the horror of Bright scolding him again was bigger so he kept mum.

He then heard someone pull the curtains of his room. The room grew dark then. A footstep was coming closer to him. He felt a presence beside him. Bright took Win's blanket and placed it over Win's body ever so gently. Then he took Win's hand that was over his eyes and placed it on the side of his body.

He leaned down closer to Wins's ear and whispered " Sleep for now nuisance, I'll wake you up once the food is ready. "

He then walked towards Wins's couch and laid there, making himself comfortable and started using his phone. He needs to apologise to his parents and cousins for not making it to their family lunch.

"Win, the food is here. " Win had been asleep for 1 hour when Bright woke him up.

"Mhhmm." Win said getting up and sitting on his bed, rubbing his eyes in process. He was a little disorientated since he was woken up from his sleep but nonetheless he felt good, really good.

Once he regained all his senses, he saw Bright seated in front of him, carrying a tray full of food.

His mouth watered. But he was not sure if it was because of the delicious food in front of him or it was because of the guy in front of him, wearing his clothes. Bright seriously nailed his clothes. He should ask Win for fashion advice from now on! They were both almost the same size, making Bright look all good in Wins's clothing.

"Where is your food?" Win asked Bright.

"It's over there." Bright pointed towards the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Bring it here. Let's eat together. I don't want to eat alone on the bed." Win told Bright.

"Nope, no one is eating on the bed. I don't want you to get a habit of eating here, bed's are meant for sleeping. Get up." Bright said walking towards the sofa with Wins's food.

" huh? Then why did you bring my food here ?" Was Bright annoying him the first thing after he woke up from his sleep.

"That was just my way to lure you till the sofa." Bright said as he sat down on the sofa.

"You didn't need the food, you could have done the job by yourself."Win said very sofly as he got up from his bed and dragged his body to the sofa. He didn't want to leave his bed, it was warm.

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