Chapter 21

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Hey my lovelies. I am back with another chapter. And guys I can't thank you all enough for the amount of love and support you've shown this story. It makes me so happy to read all your comments. Thankyou so much.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Xoxo

"Bright, just look on your left a little...yeah, yeah that's right...hold that position...almost done...yeah! Perfect! We're done. "Win was taking pictures for Bright on the open space near the temple where their families had set up a small picnic.

"You're natural dead head. I didn't expect you to be this good. " Win praised Bright.

"Is it?" Bright asked excited. It was always so hard to please Win so he was happy when Win looked satisfied with his picture. Not that he needs to impress Win or anything, just saying.

"Mmm. You're truly good. You could be a model or something. " Win said, they were now walking towards where their families were seated.

"Then you can be the model for our company as well Bright. Will save us money as well. " Bright's father joked.

"Can I?" Bright asked his father and then turned towards Win, silently asking for his approval as well. A big smile plastered on his face.

"Ofcourse not!" Bright's father was about to give his approval but Win denied it before anyone could say anything.

"Whyy?" Bright asked sadly, a pout on his face. He thought Win would agree and then he could impress Win with his skills even more.

"Because you are not that good." Win said, taking a seat on the picnic mat while Bright followed and sat next to him. All of them gathered around in a circle now.

"But you said i was so good and that i could be a model." Bright said again, almost begging for Wins's approval.

"It might have slipped from my mouth. " Win said, no expression on his face.


"It's a no Bright. Now stop whining and eat your food!" Win ordered.

Bright simply obliged, saying no more.

And the whole family just stayed there watching the entire episode like a silent audience.

No one wanted to trigger a already flaming hot fire. A possessive guy that could burn others in matter of a second, named Metawin Opas-imakajorn.

Bright and Win were just done placing all the shopping their moms and Win did in the market around the Buddha Temple, in their respective cars.

It was 8 in the evening and they were ready to head home now.

"Bright honey takecare of yourself and thanks in advance for dropping Win home."

"No problem aunty, he will keep me company... drive safe uncle, aunty. Goodnight." Bright bowed to his elders and turned towards his car where Win was waiting for him.

Bright's parents had departed 5 minutes ago. Wins's parents were getting ready to drive off as well.

"Win, i had already opened the car. You could've just settled in." Bright said when he found Win standing outside, waiting for him.

"Naa, i want to go somewhere first. Come on." Win said getting hold of Bright's hand and pulling him along.

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