Chapter 14

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Goodmorning my babies! Firstly, I'd like to thankyou all so much for your love and support. You guys are so wonderful and your comments made me so happy. I might have not have a large number of readers but all of you who read this story are special to me. And you guys leave such lovely messages i am seriously overwhelmed. Thankyou so much. 🙏❤

Bright kept his promise.

For the past 2 weeks, he had made sure that he didn't miss a single lunch with Win. Ofcourse just on weekdays though. On weekends, both were busy with their own life.

Win was also happy about this new development between then. Atleast he didn't need to walk 10 minutes to the Procurement department to eat with Bright.

They were happy in their own bubble, unknown of the feelings they were developing for eachother.


Tomorrow was a weekend which meant that Bright got to sleep an hour extra.



"What the fuck this better be important! Who calls at 5 in the morning? "It was an unknown landline number.

Bright composed himself and answered the call, just incase it was something important.

"Hello. Who is this?" Bright talked over the phone.

"Brightttttttttttttttt" He heard a scream from the other side.

Win, it was Win. Bright knew it at once.

"Hey Win, what happened? Are you okay? " Bright asked worried.

"B-Bright. " Win was crying.

"Hey, hey why are you crying? Are you okay?"

"Bright it-it hurts. It's *hick*  hurting alot. " Win cride more.

As soon as Win said that, Bright was up on his feet, pulling his black hoody over himself, looking for his car keys.

"Win, calm down. Where does it hurt? Where are you now?" Bright asked trying to pacify Win.

"H-home *hick* My tummy it hurts Bright. Mom *hick* is not here and-and it just hurts. I couldn't sleep the whole night. " Win replied.

"Hey Bunny, don't worry I'll be there okay? I am already in my car. Ill be there in 15. Just stay put okay. " Bright asked Win getting in the car.


Win informed the security guard to open the gate for Bright over the phone.

Bright quickly got in the house and sprinted to Wins's room.

"Heyy" He said walking into Win's room.

Win was a mess. His eyes were all puffy from crying and not sleeping. His throat was dry from vomiting. His bed was a mess too. The sheets all crumbled. There was a bunch of tissue paper lying around. And there was a small bucket beside his bed which he was using for vomiting.

The instant Bright came near Wins's bed. Win hugged him.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I  am here. " Bright cooed Win while caressing his hair.

Win slowly let go of Bright and sat down in his bed properly.

Bright too sat down in front of him. It pained him to look at Win this way. He looked like he was in so much pain.

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