Chapter 38

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To all my lovely readers who have made it this far,

I love you all.🐰🐺


🌸👋Hello! Kumusta! Selamat! Namaste! Salam! Mingalaba! Asalaam-walaikum! Ayubowan! Xin chao! Sawadee ka! Suostei! Kuzuzangpo la! Marhabaan! Merhaba! Barev! Slav! Gamarjoba! Kon'nichiwa! Annyeong Haseyo! Zdravstvuyte! Nĭ hăo! Hola! Bonjour! Ola'! Jallalla! Maiteí! Hallo! Sawubona! Hujambo! Sannu! Ete-sen! Kusheh! Marhabaan! Hei! Hej! Dia dhiut! Cześć! Salut! Ahoj! Servus! Zdravo! Ciao! YAH-soo! 🌸👋

To my amazing readers from, Philippines, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, United States, Myanmar, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Bhutan, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Taiwan, Canada, Mexico, El Salvador, Jamaica, France, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Morocco, Egypt, German, United Kingdom, Norway, Hungary, Portugal, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Netherland, Poland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Spain, Italy, Serbia, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Australia, New Zealand...

I checked my demographics and found people from all over the world reading my story. It warmed my heart. Thankyou everyone for being so supportive and patient with this story. 🙏

ps. I used google to translate the above so If I am mistaken, do correct me and please forgive your lazy author! ;)

🌼Happy reading everyone🌼

Bright and Wins's relationship has been a smooth sail so far. They have gone back to their earlier schedule of slipping in any free time to meet eachother. They spend their lunch together, they go home together, Win gets back his cuddle time with Bright in their car; which he is super happy about!

It has also come to Wins's attention as to how hard Bright has been working at work since the two got together. Bright wanted Win to have everything and it made Wins's heart flutter every time. He definitely made the best choice with Bright!

Everyone at the office were well aware of the title that the duo shared. Initially, it was Wins's idea to keep it a secret. He didn't want anyone to eye and jinx their perfect relationship. For some reason, most of the people, if not all, that were aware of their relationship tend to show some factors of jealousy and Win didn't like it.

But about three weeks into their relationship, Win found this one employee from production department trying to flirt with Bright. With HIS MAN! And Bright being Bright had stood there, neither reciprocating to the girl's action, nor making an effort to shove her away.

After that scene, Win had literally dragged Bright in the middle of the conference room and had announced them as Boyfriends. He had not forgotten to add this little detail of his plans to propose Bright to be his wife within the next two years. Everyone had cheered for them including Mr. Subharnasthi, who was very shocked by his son in law's boldness. A few of the girls and boys, majority coming from the PR department had been deeply saddened by the news. After all, the hottest guy at the office, Win, was off charts with the second in line, Bright.

"Hey, you better get me a ring within the next two years! Otherwise, I'll be a fucking looser in front of these people!" Win had threatened Bright. He had a reputation to maintain!

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