Chapter 19

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Heya my beautiful people. I just got done with my exam like 15minutes ago. I am in the uber right now heading home so i thought might as well make a quick update, lol.

Also thanks for your lovely wishes guys. My exam went really well.

And guess what guys? Our rankings have come up in #2gethertheseries #Win and we are in number 14 in #bright! Can you believe it?


We did it guys! A big group hug from my side. I love you all, thankyou so much for loving this story.


"Mom, what are you doing?!" Bright said startled.

After a very tedious night Bright was sleeping peacefully with Win in his arms. Last night was very emotionally draining for both them, especially for Win. Even after their talk at the park Wins's mind was not at ease. On their drive to Bright's home, Win kept asking Bright all sorts of questions all over again. As the time passed more questions, more doubts started coming to Wins's mind. Bright did the best he could. He tried to pacify Win all he could. And after a night full of unknown brawl coming from Win's mind, they had finally retired to sleep at around 2 in the moring.

"Hehe, sorry Bright but you two look so cute. Can't help it, I'll just take one more. "His mother chuckled and took one more picture.

The camera flashed again, Bright quickly held a sleeping Wins's face and hid it in his chest to prevent the flash from disturbing him.

"Mom, you are going to wake him up! He has barely slept last night. " Bright said sofly as to not wake Win up but loud enough for his mom to hear.

"Why? What did you guys do last night?" His mom asked curiously.

"Mom stop imagining things and leave. You will wake him up seriously."

"Fine, fine. I'll leave. But before that i came in here to tell you that our family and Wins's family are going to the Buddha temple today. It will be like a small outing "

"Mom, it's 6:30 in the morining. You could've told me about it later. "

"You always wake up by 6 Bright. Who knew things change when you have your lover in your bed. "Bright's mom teased him again

"Fine. We will come. Now, i am sleepy. I will come down later." Bright said a little embarrassed.

"Take your time hun. We can always delay the outing." Mom said stretching the word time. She was like a teenage girl, who got pleasure watching her favourite fiction characters get all romantic and cozy in their room.

"Okay, i am going back to sleep then. "

"Okay. " Bright's mom said but didn't budge from her place. She just kept staring at the lovely scene in front of her.

"Mom leave!"

"Uhh-uh yeah. I was doing that. Sleep well kiddo." Bright's mom ran out of the room giggling like a girl. She has some juicy story to tell her beloved friend Mrs. Vanida.

"Finally." Bright muttered under his breath and positioned himself properly to get back to sleep.

"Did she leave?" Win opened his eyes and asked Bright.

"You are awake?" Bright asked pulling Win away from his chest so as to get a better view of his face.

"Yup." He said popping the letter 'p'.

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