Chapter 20

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Hey guys, i am back with another chapter. I find this chapter really different from others, so i like it alot.

I hope you enjoy it as well. Xoxo

"Bright i am boreddddd" Win whined.

Bright just chose to ignore him. He has been going on non stop for the past 30minutes.

Just 30 minutes into the 2 hour long car ride and Win was already bored. He wasn't someone to stay put at one place. He needed to move around, he needed to do things.

"Hey give me your phone." Win said turning to look at Bright.

"Why? Where is yours?" Bright asked.

"It's dead. I forgot to charge it."

"Okay." Bright said passing his phone.

"Same password?"


"Hoii, you don't have any social media? What do you even do on your phone?"

"What do you mean? I do have social media!"  Bright said taking offence.

"What? Line and Wattsapp?"

"Yes. "Isn't that all you need? Isn't that all people use in name of social media?

"Have you even heard of Facebook and Instagram?"

"Ofcourse! Facebook is some friends making place and Instagram is some advertising platform. "Bright said proudly. He was glad he knew the answers, he didn't want to look dumb in front of Win.

"Wow. You really do know." Win said sarcastically.


"Nothing i am making your Insta ID"

"Insta ID? "

"Instagram ID idiot!" Bright is as dumb as one can get.

"Oh. Okay i guess ... will it benefit our company?" Bright asked still oblivious of all that goes around Instagram in reality

"Oh and don't forget to follow Man and Boss. Also all my cousins that i mentioned earlier. "Bright said excitedly. For the past 30minutes while Bright was driving, Win was making him an Insta ID whilst explaining him all about it.

Bright had been so excited when he heard all that he could do on insta. It wasn't just an advertising site after all.

"Nope. You're only following me. "Win said.

"Whyyy? I want to look at their pictures too." Bright said sadly. He wanted to stalk everyone.

"Because you only follow the people you like on Instagram."

"I like them."

"Can you shut up and just drive! You're irritating me!"

Bright could say no more...

"And i am done...! You don't have a single picture of yourself in your phone. We will take some today and i will update your IG. "

"I do. I have a few pictures. Look at my gallery."

"What pictures are you talking about? Those pictures you took with your clients or those uncle type selfie where your face looks like a double chin potato?. "Win scoffed.

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