CHAPTER 2 - Kayla Kollins

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For me, lonelyness will always have the colour of blood.

The colour of leafes in autumn.

The colour of fire.

The coulour of my chains and

the colour of my tattoo.

My father once told me that - when I was a child - my nickname was "Red". I never understood why they didn't call me "Phoenix" instead.

Now I know the answer: Bcause PHOENIX wasn't just me. I was just the first one. The lonely one. The red one. Or I am still. However.

Years ago my father was killed. We all were killed. My whole family was killed. I was killed. But... here I am. Still living, still breathing. And not able to die. Sounds weird? Oh, it is.

My hands are shaking. This always happens when I think about my past. About my father, the triator. About Hydra. About the project. About PHOENIX.

I exhale loudly to control my breath again but it's to late. Red and orange flames flicker at my fingers.

I love the feeling of the fire burning in my veins. The feeling of the power what saves myself day-by-day but what's useless for the world.

Another price I had to pay.

One more second I enjoy the dancing flames.

Then the squirrel is fried. Medium rare.

If I ever get out of this prison I should become a cook.

In all the years I spent alone in this forest I learned how to hunt, how to roast and wich plants and mushrooms I can eat. Not the normal skills for a 21-years-old-woman, but... holy hell, I am no ordinary woman.

I'm the first and last, the one and only phoenix. And I'm going to rise - someday. But for the moment I am in a cage and I will just have lunch: My roasted squirrel.

I sigh and want to start eating. But then I hear a noise.

An... explosion?

What can that be? I'm alone here, noone lives in this woods exept for me!

I can hear it again.

And again.

Blue light fills up the sky.

I drop my meal and let some little flames come out of my fingertips.

All around the forest there is an electric field what keeps me here. I tried to destroy it a thousand times but I was never able to do it. It's impossible.

From the inside.

I am a living example for the power of the Tessaract. I believe in some kind of magic. I killed a cute little squirrel without feeling bad for it what makes me a monster, I guess.

But even I cannot believe what's happening now.

Someone is going to free me.

Wait... no. This can't be. There must be an other explanation.

Shit, of course! Hydra is back!

From a minute to the other my hands are catching fire. Not the small flames I used to kill the squirrel with. This is a real fire, able to kill ten or more people.

Hydra imprisoned me in their foothold one kilometre away when I was twelve years old. I escaped of my cubide but I never was able to leaves this woods around the building too. The electric field is the real prison.

Hydra tried to kill me. But they couldn't do it so they locked me. But maybe they're stronger now. Wiser. Faster. And they will try to kill me again. I'm sure about that.

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