CHAPTER 3 - Sam Wilson

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"Bucky? Bucky!"

I just saw the fire and came to him as fast as I could. Yes, I have the wings of a hawk but I'm a littlle slower than a reald bird. Okay... much slower.

But now I'm here and see him... with a woman? Really? How does he do this? Everywhere we go he meets a girl.

"Bucky?" I land and look back and forth between him and the stranger. "We were supposed to get some documents, not to have a date."

The woman wants to say something but I don't let her interrupt me.

"I'm Sam Wilson.", I introduce myself. "The Falcon."

Bucky didn't kill her so far what means that she's okay.

First the woman seems to be distrustful, but then she smiles a little.

"The other bird, huh?", she asks.

"Er... Bucky? What does she mean?" Of course I know what she means because I heard it through Buckys and my communication devices but I want my friend to explain it.

But Bucky does not say a word. Great.

I roll my eyes but I don't want to start an agrument about him talking about me behind my back.

Instead of a respond I take a look at his new friend. She's a little bit smaller than me and very scrawny - she should eat more. Her clothes are old and stained, her hair is... brown? Lightning blond? Ah, I hate hair colours. However: She is not Buckys type.

Her hands are sparkling. Because of this - and the fact that I saw some flames right here - I think that she must be the one that fired at him. But he thinks she's clear so I will too. Seeing someone who can control fire is confusing but not as scary as Wanda or Vision.

"What's you name, girl?", I ask her.

"Not girl. I'm 27 years old. Oh, and my name isn't Fire Lady too, by the way. I'm Kayla Kollins. The Phoenix."

"Falcon.", I repeat.

"Yeah... you said that already.", the not-girl-and-not-fire-lady-but-girl-and-fire-lady says.

"I like her, Bucky.", I smile.

"And I hate you, Sam.", he answers.

I love our friendship.

"Charming.", Kayla comments. "When we all know the others names... what are you doing here? I mean if I would believe you that you aren't a part of Hydra. What I - of course - not do."

I'm sure she does because she isn't fighting us but I think that she doesn't want to hear this.

"Well... what are you doing here?", I respond.

"I asked first, hawk boy.", she hisses.

Okay, remember, Sam: Don't asks this ever again if you don't want that she let some little flames come out of her hands. She seems not like she wants to talk about this.

Or she dislikes us.


"We were told to get some information from the old foothold.", Bucky says. Wait... aren't these information top secret?

"There are none. Not anymore.", the fire lady tells us.

She must see the confusion in my face because she grimaces and continues: "I burned them."

"Really?" I'm not sure if telling us that is follish or I like her temperament.

"No." She rolls her eyes. "I'm just kidding. What information do you need?"

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