CHAPTER 6 - Bucky Barnes

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"Enough! Enough!", Rhodey yells. "I saw it, make her stop!"

He takes something from the table, a second later he holds a shield in his hands. Sam uses his wings to protect him, but I'm too far away to be safe too.

In this moment I realize what a real inferno is. Not a small fireplace. Not a little flame coming out of Kayla's fingertips.

A real inferno is as lightning as a dying star.

Everywhere around me, tables and chairs start to burn.

Thank Tony the doors close automatically. If not maybe the whole building would explode.

But it also means that we three - Sam, Rhodey and I - can't geht out of here.

Both of them are safe, protected by their shields - but for how long?

I can't see Kayla anymore, she just seems to be made of flames. Where she stood there is just a golden an red fire now.

My skin feels like it's burning,

I don't get enough air to breath.

Everything around me looks the same:
Red and golden.
Red and golden.
And my both friends somewhere in between.

The walls are completely covered by flames. I guess that's how it must feel to stand in the middle of the sun.

"Bucky! Bucky, get out of there!", I hear someone shouts. I can't understand who: It's too loud.

I try to run the side - that's where I saw Sam the last time - but new flames come out just in front of my feet.

I can't run away, so I turn back, try to see Kayla.

If I do nothing, Sam, Rhodey and maybe her too will die.

Next to me I see something. A dark circle. There is too much fire to see what it is, but I try my luck and pick it up.

It's a shield - not big enough to save me from the flames but better than nothing. It must be one of the prototypes, Tony used to collect here.

I take it front of my - and do the most stupid thing you can do when you are surrounded by fire: I run.

My skin melts, I'm sure about that.
My heart beats faster,
everything in me is set aflame.

But I don't stop, just run. I fight the fire like I could win.

Don't see, where I'm going.

Don't know, what I'm doing.

Don't hear, where my friends are.

Don't think about that I can and will die here.

Suddenly, some water comes out of a machine, next to the door. Again: Thanks Tony for this building.

The water isn't able to stop the flames, the fire is stronger, wilder, brighter, but it helps to cool down.

And then... I see her.

She's standing at the other side of the room. Her eyes are closed, not just her hands but her whole body is standing on fire. Her clothes burn too but it doesn't look like they're fading away.

It know that it's a really, really stupid idea, but it's our only chance of survival, so I do it: I take the shield in front of my head, jump over some flames, hide behind some tables, try to reach her.

I can see her contours now - she isn't just a red and golden light anymore. In her face I See so much pain, confusion and fear that one second I feel sorry for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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