The Average Arrival (morning shift)

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(A/n - I'm new to writing but couldn't think of another form to represent my au so here I am about to write my first fic! hope you enjoy.)

Everyday, at 9:00am without fail, the Snicket coffee shop would open up. Though unlike many other cafes this was simply called the Snicket coffee shop and everyone knew who ran it. Two of these three sibling of course. Kit and Jacques would rotate positions through the day on only both be on the clock if necessary for occasions when Larry wasn't available to come in for work, though the man was the trustiest barista and hardly too time off, or if the coffee shop was packed. On most days though, the place was hardly busy or full since the Snicket coffee shop wasn't the only place to get a hot drink in the area.

A typical day for these two would go somewhat like the events i shall narrate, some being unfortunate and some being fine. During the morning shift, being 9:00am to 2:00pm, Jacques would take charge with being responsible to open on time and help Larry with serving the customers or occasionally keeping a few out such as one annoying little girl who believes she deserves whatever she wants.

"But It's first come, first serve and I'M the one at the front of the line so give me that chocolate muffin you Cakesniffer!" Carmelita began to complain as she crossed her arms. This entitled brat would always somehow push her way to the front of the queue and boss around whoever was at the counter. The unfortunate victim at the current moment happened to be Larry who was trying to reason with the young karen, and not surprisingly the first of a few Karens to come.

"I just witnessed you push to the front when i was about to take an order not to mention you're still banned for the next month due to what you were caught doing last week." The barista stood his ground as the proud worker he was though still somewhat threatened by the young redhead. children can be mean, but Carmelita Spats can be a nightmare when not on her goodside. "Any way, we said even after your ban is lifted we'd still prefer for you to come with a parent or guardian as to make sure we don't have a repeat of that experia---"

"Guardian... I have both of my parents! Do I look like a cake sniffing orphan to you?" The young girl continued to complain as she eyed the treat behind the counter before pulling a face at the barista. "And anyway, you don't actually have any proof of anything to ban me for!"

"To answer the first question, you may not be an orphan but you most definitely are a cakesniffer." A voice came from the back room behind the counter as Jacques came out after he'd finished getting some more mugs. "which I believe was the reason for your ban? I mean it'd be unhygienic to sell pastries if they're contaminated by an adorable little girl such as yourself Miss Spats?"

At the moment the few people lined up just waiting to order their drinks seemed to look disgusted at the girl who's face turned from a nasty snark but to more of a defeated pout. "Fine! This place is filled with Cakesniffers anyway! I Believe i could just get the same muffin cheaper at the starbucks down the street!" She would of course be wrong as the price would be slightly higher down the street but a few cheers could be heard as the spoiled child fled from the coffee shop.

The next hour or so managed to be relaxing with a visit from Justice Strauss as she got a quick tea before heading off for an important case, The Baudelaires and Quagmire triplets congregated in the corner after coming from the connected book shop whilst having some gingerbreads and Charles came in alone on one of the rare days he wasn't with his partner where he ordered a tall iced coffee. Jacques and Larry knew of course that this calm mood wouldn't last though as at 1:15 everyday was the same customer who'd always complain, ask for a refund and then leave her Husband to apologize. The Snickets both agreed though that it might affect business if they banned the city's 6th most important financial advisers. 

Just as this thought came to mind, the bell of the door rung and entering in what could be described as a Cruella De Vil type outfit was one Esme gigi genevieve Squalor, and husband Jerome not visible at the current moment from the counter as the massive coat being worn by his wife appeared to cover him up. Moving some of her blonde locks from out of her face, Esme approached the counter and leaned on it with one arm. "Hey, could I have an iced venti caramel macchiato with... um... 15 pumps of vanilla syrup, oh, and made with HEAVY WHIPPING CREAM, barely any ice then don't forget the extra caramel drizzle."

"We're sorry Mrs Squalor but we're actually out of caramel drizzle after yesterday and are still waiting to the next order of drizzle to arrive," Larry began to explain as Jacques took the empty cup from Charles, who wanted to excuse himself from the premises before any drama could kick off though as soon seen he would sadly learn he should have probably 5 minutes earlier to ensure his was out of the way. "but I'm sure I can get your drink without it?"

"What do you mean there's not caramel drizzle?" Esme laughed for a moment before noticing that the barista wasn't joking and she began to look offended as the thought of how to reply. Looking around the room to notice the children in the corner, other patrons having drinks and man about to leave, she stopped him and shot a glare in his direction. "You must have been the one to finish off the caramel drizzle with your order! I agree that it is extremely In to have the drizzle with your drink but everybody knows that I always have my iced venti caramel macchiato with 15 pumps of vanilla syrup, made with HEAVY WHIPPING CREAM, barely any ice and then the most important part of all, the extra caramel drizzle!"

"Apologies Miss but i didn't have any... caramel drizzle...?" Charles stopped as he nervously smiled at the woman though slowly backing towards the door as to leave. "But i really do need to be getting somewhere..."

"Not without owing me!" Esme scoffed as she crossed her arms, continuing to stair the man down though before she could add anything else her husband came in.

"Esme, love of my life, I really think we should just get your drink and then head off. Don't you have that important meeting?" Jerome stood in between the two as to hopefully stop a fight from breaking out, or, as it would probably be, Esme screaming at this man until he gave in.

"Forget buying a drink from here, I'm NEVER coming back her again! This is so Out..." Esme Scoffed once more as she left her husband in the coffee shop, storming out herself. Everyone stayed silent for a moment after this, knowing that she would just end up coming back tomorrow unlike her statement of Never returning had suggested. 

"I'm... Really sorry about that?" Jerome began as he facepalmed a bit at the incident before looking to Charles who shook his head.

"No need, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time..." He began to assure before realising he hadn't really introduce himself. "Oh, The name's Charles by the way."

"Jerome, pleasure to meet you... or i guess stop my wife from probably slapping you unexpectedly."

"She seems like a handful to be with but i honestly can't judge with my partner."

"They can always be a handfu---"

"JEROME!" A voice shouted from outside, obviously belonging to Esme, causing the man in the pinstriped suit to jump slightly.

"I should be off now but maybe we'll see each other in more fortunate circumstances...?" Jerome nervously chuckled before Charles gave a small smile with a nod they both seemed to leave as Charles also tried to avoid the wrath of Esme by wandering down the street in the other direction.

"I really feel sad for both of them but I sure am lucky I got here to see that sweet little moment." A woman's voice said by the side of the counter, belonging to Kit who'd arrived early for her shift as usual but surprisingly whilst Esme had still been present. "But speaking of meeting up with people under fortunate circumstances, I think I might take over for you Jacques. I'm pretty sure the shouting in here might have concerned Miss Caliban next door."

Jacques chuckled a little as he rolled his eyes at Kit for a moment. "If you're sure you don't mind then be my guest. Lets hope Mrs Squalor didn't drop anything on the way out and come back, for your sake and everyone's sanity."

Kit's shift didn't start till 2:00pm and then only ended at 7:00pm (Unless of special events when they'd stay open till 12:00) but most of the time she'd take over 15 minutes earlier or so, meaning Jacques could catch Olivia having her late lunch break. This would usually result in the two chatting over a coffee before the bookstore owner had to get back to things and Jacques would either hang around her shop or head out for a bit of a wander, yet Kit still had to deal with some customers yet to come.

A series of coffee shop events (Asoue AU)Where stories live. Discover now