The Beastly Breakup (Morning shift)

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(A/N - Yes, the titles are going to be Alliterative and yes they will be in alphabetical order. Thank you and please enjoy)

"And then apparently he didn't pay for Phil's leg almost being removed!"
"Kit, I think you should,"
"He's a completely Jerk!"
"Finish up your story,"
"and it's a shock that the Mill hasn't been shut s---"
"Before he comes into the building..."

Larry and Kit had been talking since business was slower than usual, there was no sign of Carmelita and Jacques was wiping down some tables. Since Larry hadn't been listening too much to Kit and Phil's conversation the previous day, Kit had decided to give him a rundown of the tea being spilt. Figuratively of course, not literally since Phil find buy anything. When she'd reached a part that really fired her up, she started to complain but Larry had noticed that coming from outside happened to be two people that really would feel the same way as she had about the situation... Or at least one of them wouldn't. Larry managed to silence Kit as Charles and his Partner... Um.. Mr.. qu... T... Sir. Forget pronouncing his name since no-one can seem to spell it either. Charles looked a little nervous and agitated about something but it wasn't really something you could pin your finger on from just seeing the guy. As for the man with him, he just seemed to take a deep inhale of smoke before breathing it out again into the atmosphere. The Snickets hand remind Sir that smoking was not prohibit and may set off the fire alarms, even putting up signs by the table the two would usually sit at, yet the always seemed to have him wander in, never lacking his cloud that tried to cover up his face. Even with being fired up about the man walking in, Kit didn't say anything since she wasn't on shift, nor did Jacques since he knew he'd never be able to reason with the man and just end up having the smoke cloud stay for longer if any talked between them began. Larry just stood behind the counter and looked to Kit for a second before shaking his head and returning to look at the two men.

"Good morning Sirs. I'm Larry, your barista, and would will you be having today?" He began to say as he tried not to cough from the smoke being blowed somewhat in his direction.

"I'll be having a black coffee with an omelet whilst my Partner here will be having a black coffee as well..." Sir's voice was gruff, probably and effect from the smoking as cigarettes do tend to deepen ones voice from smoking them for a long period of time. He took his wallet out and put the money down on the counter before waiting.

"You know I'm not too much of a black coffee fan, I mean I'd prefer something sweeter..." Charles quietly confessed, hesitant to complain about the drink choice. Kit and Jacques noticed this and felt as if the poor guy should stand up for himself a bit more, he could have been slapped my Esme Squalor yesterday for goodness sake. He was also apparently supposed to be the other boss of Lucky Smells Lumbermill and Kit knew that he'd be more that happy to pay from Phil's accident since it was the Mill's fault yet no insurance was being handled. Why couldn't they live in a place with free healthcare? Other than having a free optometrist in town of course.

"Forget the second black coffee," Sir sighed a bit as Charles' face lit up a bit only to reveal disappointment again at the next few words. "He'll deal with a Glass of water, it's less bitter..."

"I'll bring the drinks you your table as soon as I can whilst my associate will begin on your omelet..." Larry look to the two Snickets for a moment before nodding as he took the money, gave Sir his change and watched the two men find a seat. He waited a moment for Jacques to come over and get to the other side of the counter before looking back to Kit. "How may years have they been together again... Two... Three?"

"Six..." Kit quickly and quietly replied as she looked to the corner table the two hand sat down at. "I just can't believe it. Not only his he a jerk you his workers, takes complete disregard to our rules about smoking and refuses to pay the medical bills for his staff hurt from accidents that should be insured by his Mill... But he's a completely Douchbag to his boyfriend." She obviously tried her best to not be heared as she thought of something to help out and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"I mean you could have at least payed for a bit of his medical bill, The accident was our fault for not taking steps to ensure the safety of our workers..."
"It was their fault for not reading the instructions correctly for the machine, if anything they should be playing for his medical bill."
"But that brings up back to the other problem of you really need to pay them in actual money and not just components."
"Alright Charles, anything you'd change I'd you were the one in charge?"
"Well... I mean... There's so much I don't even know if I could list them an---"
"You can't list them because you know I'm right and not an idiot Charles. This is why I handle the business side of things and you iron my shirts."
"And I cook your omelettes!"
"Well are you cooking it right now? You know sometimes I question why the hell I split things 50/50 with you... Or call you my partner."

Charles was about to say something else but stopped himself as he breathed in before closing his eyes and nodding. "Yes, Sir..." He mumbled for a moment before excusing himself from the table to use the restroom.

Kit had definitely heard enough to know that this was toxic, and that Charles deserved better than to be in such a position... But she could also see that he wasn't strong enough to fight how own battles yet that would be the only way for him to actually get out of this.

"Oh, you hear about Jacquelyn's break up the other week?" Larry began to ask as he placed the black coffee and class of water on a tray as he waited for Jacques to finish off the omelet. "It was with that Hypnotist woman. You know, the eye doctor. Georgina something."

"Jacqueline..." Kit wispeared to herself for a moment as she thought before nodding a little as a plan came to mind. It could work but it might be risky, somebody would get hurt weather things were to go extremely well or horribly wrong. "Jacques, I need to you to do something for me..." She began to ask as she took a pen From out her pocket before grabbing a napkin as she scribbled down a message. "I need you to give this note to Charles..."

Jacques put the omelet plate down on the tray with the drinks before Larry went off to server it to the man surrounded by smoke. The Snicket brother looked over his sister's message before raising an eyebrow. "We shouldn't be getting in the way of other people's relationships if you're planning what I'm thinking?"

"It'll sort out more what that like maybe the conditions at the Mill..." Kit tried to explain as she kept her voice low. After a moment of silence between the two, Jacques agreed and headed off to the restrooms to hand over the message. It took a minute or so before Jacques return and slid the note back to her. She was the one to raise and eyebrow at this before she began to read the extra message. It was an agreement to coming back later that day, from Charles. This caused a smile to keep onto her face as she noticed him walk past and head to the table he'd been at before... Though... It was noticing to some people that he'd not excused himself to actually use the restrooms but more or less to dry his eyes in them. "Soon enough you'll be helped..."

As Kit noticed her Larry returning to the counter, she excused herself to the women's restrooms before putting her pen in her pocket and taking her phone out. Hesitating for a moment, she dialled a number and realized that she can't not do this since she'd already started to do this. He the phone was answered, Kit realised she called the wrong person. Must have been 4 and then 3 instead of 3 and then 4. Either way, she hung up and called up the correct number this time around.
"Hey Jacquelyn... You wouldn't mind doing me just a little favour this afternoon please?"

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