The Comedy Catastrophe (Day Shift)

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(A/N - I feel like these just keep getting longer and longer which is cool but it'll only be confirmed if this gets over 2000 words. Also thank you to everyone reading! I didn't think I'd get more than at least two readers for any chapters!)

"I'm Quigley Quagmire and I'm what my friends and I would call a mad lad!"

"Right then, you know you're the first to sign up which is great. Then again, we did just open up about an hour ago." Larry managed to smile a bit at the group of children at the counter though only one of the six were signing up for the Comedy competition. Jacques was supposed to be sorting out the sign up sheet but right now he was putting up a poster for at the window of the shop. "I'm sure you're going to be splendid Mr Quagmire."

"Ok Boomer," Quigley quickly joked just a bit before apologizing. "Sorry about that Larry, trying to think up and sort out my material and the whole Ok Boomer thing was a tread but it's kind of dead no so I might stay away from the dead meme territory."

"You could claim all memes die as soon as they're created. They all seem to last at least a week before it's overused which kills them." Klaus pointed out as Duncan nodded a bit in agreement before being given an eyeroll from Quigley.

"The SpongeBob memes will live on forever though." Quigley chuckled a bit before the rest of the group laughed, finally ordering some drinks and grilled cheeses for everyone apparat from Sunny who had a carrot instead. Once the group was happily sat in their usual corner, Jacques return back inside to find Larry sorting out the order.

"This place will really lighten up tonight and I'm sure it will hopefully cheer you and Kit up from whatever happened yesterday." The Snicket brother sighed as he vaulted over the counter to help out. "I did tell her not to get involved but from talking to Phil outside whilst I put up the poster it's apparently gone really well. Charles isn't speaking to many but the workers are finally getting payed and apparently getting holidays too which they didn't have before. Then again though that is Phil and he is always looking on the bright side of things..." He sighed a bit as he thought before remembering to add the Mill worker's name onto the list since during their conversation he'd also wanted to sign up to lighten up the mood knowing how gloomy people were the other day.

"At least something good definitely came out of the heart break. Jacquelyn was surprisingly calm and managed to keep herself together though of course she'd do that for Kit's sake. Helping her out and stuff..." Larry sighed as he started to up the drinks of pepsi on a tray, waiting for the grilled cheeses to... Well grill. "I think the event may have drove them off of ruining another relationship I know they were going to go for though."

"I know the one you're referring to and from the outcome of this, I'd probably encourage it. Wouldn't save any Mill worker's and may cause an already annoying costumer to go beyond the level she's at already but for the husband's sake I feel like getting out of her grasp would be the best thing for him." Jacques nodded just a bit, looking out of the window to see if anyone were going to walk in. Coincidentally at this moment a man was walking by. It seemed like he had passed the coffee shop but it could be noted that he walked backwards to look at the poster again, reading it for longer than probably needed. When he finally did move again, he came into the Coffee shop and all the present patrons knew exactly who this man is.

"A comedy event with a prize at stake? You're getting creative now Jacques. I don't think I need to introduce myself to have you add me on the list." The man smirked a bit before leaning on the counter to which Jacques rolled his eyes a bit.

"Right then Olaf, I'm sure Kit is going to be pleased with this." He said somewhat sarcastically as he wrote 'Count Olaf' onto the list of now three names. "But the evening isn't all about the prize. Even before the joy seemed to get sucked out of the place yesterday, we were mostly doing it to give off a good mood."

A series of coffee shop events (Asoue AU)Where stories live. Discover now