The Average Arrival (Night shift)

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As soon as Jacques left, Kit vaulted over the counter and gave a quick wave to Larry before beginning to wash a few of the cups by the sink. She knew that Jacques usually had it hard in the mornings, specifically because of Esme arriving before the shift change, but she also knew he would probably be having a good time off with Olivia. They weren't officially a thing but it was obvious the two were extremely close. On the topic of Olivia and Jacques, the two of them ended up coming into the coffee shop just a few minutes or so after the switch and ordered a drink together. Kit smiled seeing the two together whilst Larry got the two cups of coffee ready. This was such a quiet moment, whilst the Baudelaires and Quagmires left and gave some small goodbyes to all three baristas as well as the bookseller. The couple decided to take the corner table which the children had been at once they had gotten their drinks and began to have a quiet conversation. A nice, peaceful moment... then interrupted from the scream of another patrion.

You could have sworn they saw a dead body from how they screamed but everyone looked over to where the noise came from only to find a large black snake slithering along the floor. It looked like it was going to bite someone before a man who had come in with the reptile held back a small laugh. "Now, now. Don't worry, The incredibly deadly viper is the least dangerous creature in the world!" He began to claim as the snake began to move towards the counter. This man happened to be the herpetologist, Doctor Montgomery, also known as Montgomery montgomery, also known as Monty.

"Ah, Monty, I can see you brought one of your snakes..." Larry looked over the counter and down at the incredibly deadly viper before gazing back to Monty. "What shall it be for you and them? I'm assuming something hard for the Viper?"

"Ah, Larry!" Monty smiled before noticing Kit behind too, giving her a small wave. "And Miss Snicket! A pleasure seeing the two of you." He began to look at the list of drinks and pastries being sold. "I'd love to have some of your coconut cream cake for myself and do you have any carrots?"

Kit opened the nearby mini fridge with her foot before taking out and holding up a carrot. "Usually keep them around for Sunny Baudelaire when her siblings bring her around." She added as she walked over and placed it on the counter before fetching a slice of coconut cream cake whilst Monty took out his wallet to pay, handing the money to Larry. "I think some people haven't noticed the new rules about us allowing in reptiles but then again there is definitely someone who doesn't noticed we ban smoking..."

"I know what you're saying Miss, My boss seems to smoke all the time." Another man's voice piped up after the bell of the door rung. "But then again he does make the rules so that might mean it isn't banned at work... in which case it's definitely alright!"

"Phil, It's been a while, How've you been?" Kit chuckled slightly as she lay the cake on the counter too before letting Monty take it. Phil would usually come in at least once a week, emphasis on 'at least,' but for the past month or so he'd been nowhere in sight. Even if the man only came in to chat and didn't buy anything, maybe on rare occasions with some coupons, it was still somewhat suspicious. 

"Oh, there was just a work accident," Phil chuckled a bit before leaning on the counter. "Almost lost my leg and had to go to hospital. May have hurt but at least I survived, and those volunteers fighting disease were so nice!" Phil was an optimist and always looked on the bright side of life such as if any of us almost lost our legs we wouldn't be like 'at least i'm still alive' but instead we'd be like 'ahhh! my leg!'

A lot of the afternoon was spent with Kit and Phil talking and gossiping about their jobs, or more of Kit asking about Phil's job and bosses as in the business was slow and calm once again since all the Karens only seemed to be appear in the morning. When Phil finally exited the premises it was 5 minutes till closing and the rest of the place was empty. The only people who were left happened to be Larry, hanging his apron up and getting ready to head home, and Kit.

"Hopefully you and Jacques get some good comedies signing up for comedy night this week..." Kit sighed as she let a small chuckle out, wiping down some of the tables. "But other than that i hope you have a good evening. If we had one of those employ of the month displays, it would probably always be you."

"I'm flattered Miss Snicket, but I'm only Larry, your barista..." Larry also let out a small laugh as well as he waved her goodnight before leaving through the front door, the bell ringing. Kit smiled as she went back behind the counter once the man had left and began to make a root beer float is seemed, though this drink wasn't for her. Just as she had finished making it, the bell to the entrance rang out and Kit didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

"one root beer float if that isn't a problem?" Asked a man as he approached the counter, getting out his wallet.

"Already got it ready, though i'll have to warn you that it's only 4 minutes till I shut up shop Lemony." Kit turned to her other brother as she handed over the drink and took the money. "always seem to be the last customer of the day no matter what time we close up. I thought you might have been here earlier when the Baudelaires were but then again I assumed you may have also been around beatrice?"

Lemony took a sip from his drink before sighing and shaking his head. "I'm afraid not. Did run into Jacques earlier though. apparently Esme's been umbarable, Olivia is as sweet as usual and Carmelita Spats is still a cake sniffer?" He jokes just a little causing Kit to also laugh as she shook her head. The two Snickets finished clearing up the place once Lemony had finished the root beer, and closed up at the same time on any average day at the Snicket coffee shop. The day began with one brother and sister opening up and left on the sister and other brother leaving once things were clear. 

A series of coffee shop events (Asoue AU)Where stories live. Discover now