℘α𝖗𝚝 1- Platform 9¾

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1976 1st September

3 person

It was a chilly September morning. Children were boring into the Kings Cross Station and onto Platform 9¾ to get to the all famous school of witchcraft and wizardry, all waiting for the Hogwarts Express to arrive.

There in the middle of the crowded platform stood four friends. The marauders. And they were in a deep conversation. A conversation about lettuce and cabbage.

"Wait, so you're telling me that lettuce and cabbage are not the same?" Sirius asked perplexed.

"Yes, they're different! In species, in taste even in appearance, Padfoot. How have you not noticed?" Remus replied.

Sirius ignored the question and acted like the drama queen he was, "Why, now my whole life has become a lie!"

Peter rolled his eyes and spoke in a sarcastic tone, "Even Prongs realised they're different, you egg"

"How dare you call me an "egg!" Sirius said still living in the world of drama.

"I can call you whatever I want."

"Aright then, idiot..." He said now talking more generally looking innocent as ever.

A moment has gone by until Remus again mumbled in a half-monotone voice, "Git."


"Douchebags," Said James now participating.

They kept bickering by shouting random words at each other with Remus by their side looking half like he was enjoying the insult's, and half as he regretted ever living.

A good 5 minutes passed till the smartest of the four yelled over all their voices, "You're all fools, now quiet down! If you didn't realise the train is here."

He then mentioned through the crowd to the bearly visible train that arrived. People were flaring around saying goodbye to their parents and getting on it.

Meanwhile, on the other side near the corner of the platform stood Severus with Lily by his side. They were 'talking' as you could call it.

Lily was talking to Severus about what happened during summer whiles he listened giving a few nods here and there to show his understanding.

They talked about her summer to get away from the sigh language. They were learning it since the middle of summer. Lilly taught herself at the same time she was teaching Severus as she didn't know it quite well. Yet she was Liy, she would have known some basics.

"-so it wasn't anything much. I'd rather spend time at my house visiting the park too, of course." Lily finished the little rant of her summer.

Hence next, there was a loud sound of the Hogwarts Express pulling up on the train tracks. Both Lily and Severus looked over to see the doors to the train opening with people pushing up to get to. They pushed into the crowd also getting on the train.

Severus's POV

We, as to me and Lily, were in a murder of crowds, trying to get io the train. We swarmed through and down the hallways of compartments, looking for an empty one.

People behind and front speaking slowly disintegrating into distance. When an all too familiar voice broke through them all.

James Potter. The voice getting closer and closer. Louder and louder, till the next thing I knew he was in front of us, blocking our way.

"Well, Snape, back for another year of Hogwarts are you? Maybe this year you'll get expelled from your uselessness there!" He snickered with Black joining in, Lupin at the back concentrated on a book, Pettigrew next to Lupin with a half-smug expression.

"Just move away potter, would you?" Lily said her voice filled with anger yet kept calm.

Then he mothed to the side letting past Lily for her to walk to the other side. I then moved to walk past them yet my way was blocked out.

I stood in my tracks to look up from the floor to the slightly talker figure than me.

"Where are you going, Snivellius?" Potter asked in a sneer.

I would have answered yet as my voice is gone I stood there frozen, eyes locked with his. As to the lack of response, he opened his mouth to say something however Lilly interrupted before anything, "Just leave him alone, James, snd let him through.

Potter then scoffed and mothed aside to let me through. I ran out and through the corridor, to Lily avoiding the glares the marauders gave, me to look for a compartment.


Goodday my dear Potterheads. Thank you for reading the chapter.

Question: how was your day?

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