℘α𝖗𝚝 7- Friends

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1986 6th October

James's POV

And after a whole 1 month of eternal struggle, I was here. Ilvermorny. The school that my, and the rest of the marauders, rival goes to, Severus Snivellius Snape. Ah how much I hate him. You could smell the hate that I have for him a mile away! Or should I say foot?

Being one of the few British students here is so annoying! Everybody either hates you, talks about nothing but England and that with you or just wants to hear your 'accent'.

Being the extrovert I am, I have to learn to just talk American in some way to actually achieve something here. Not that im forgetting my goal of just binging back Snape.

I approached the main hall of the homely, little castle called Ilvermorny. And at one of the tables, among other, many many students you could still see that long, greasy and somehow soft-looking, but definitely greasy mind you not, hair that belonged to the only disaster that brought me here.

And so I strode in, to sit next to him.

And no, im no complete idiot who just walks in and expects that two complete rivals will change their sense of heart to each other like lightning, in the nick of time.

I was a bit of a genius if I do say so myself, and with Padfoot help, I was able to break into many stores and professors Slughorns office, and with many felonies, crimes committed and one invisibility cloak we got the supplies to last for bout half a year of polyjuice potions!

So now say goodbye James Potter for the man I present to you will be known far and wide as Hames Watter!

Yes, I know the names are quite similar but I don't care. Im too much of a dumass to actually remember a name that at least didn't sound remotely like my real one.

Snape's POV:

"Hi" I see some guy say to me. He had blond-ish hair and dull blue eyes, pale skin (little less than me) and a mighty fine jaw, should I add.

I answered back, by waving in a cheerfull manner.

"Im Hames Watter"

After hearing that name I got a bit lost in my own thought. I mean, doesn't that sound familiar?

His parent must really like all that Shakespearean stuff, it gives off that vibe. Or maybe they're just wired, I don't know.

I clicked out of my minute-long trance seeing his hand extended towards me. Picking up on the gesture I wrote down my own name ona peice of paper, showing him, then extended my hand to shake his like we were signing some invisible contract.

3rd Person:

And that's where it all started.

Day after day "Hames Watter" wound go up to Snape and have a small conversation with him. Usually, it was just in the hall but over the month they started talking more and more, in classes, at any available class, whenever they passed corridors in switching lessons.

They became the best of friends anyone could ever wish for!


Goodday my dear Potterheads. Thank you for reading the chapter.

Sorry for not updating much.

Question: what's the best/weirdest quote you've heard?

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