℘α𝖗𝚝 5- Rumor

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1986 5th September

Remus's POV

We kept walking down the hall side by side, eventual students rummaging past us, till we get to the vast hardwood doors of the great hall.

I looked over to the Gryffindor table were right in the middle Prongs and Wormtail sat having an apparently very critical conversation, from the look on James's face.

We went to sit down beside Wormtail.

"Hi, Peter, Prongs" I greeted.

"Hello" They both muttered still engaged deep in the conversation.

"And for the last time Prongs, no, you can not treat internal bleeding by drinking alcohol just because it helps with scratches and minor injuries" He turned to us, "What's up?"

"Nothing much just got trampled other a heard of people going up here" Padfoot answered as James snorted.

Sirius's POV

Breakfast passed by quick, as it always does. Its one of the good times of the day, just because we don't have to listen to McGonagall teach is how to transform rats into cups and goblets bla bla bla... Like, who even needs that?

But now I'm imagining what it's like for Wormtail... Peter loves food so breakfast must end in like a second for him.

Yet now Moony and Peter's gone. That means we can blab about absolutely anything. Like, Remus is always considerate and kind but I and Prongs are not like that, and Wormtail just always takes our lead but that's not important.

And so I crack up a conversation.

"You, know, I heard something bout Snivelius..." I leaned in slightly to keep our conversation secret even though I had a smug grin on my face.

"Yeah?" James answered back, now also appearing to have a grin on his face.

"I head some rumours that he's mute. It may not be true but..." I looked over my shoulder and eminently spotted him, sitting there with Lily, only her talking, "It seems pretty legit..."

1986 6th September

The word must have spilt somewhere along the way...

Everybody now knows about what Remus suggested to me. I feel guilty but at least I have a way out of it. I mean, he brought it up in the hallway, anyone could have heard.

Now everyone's whispering behind his back. The glares they are giving him, they're supposed to be secret but, and I can't believe I'm saying this, Snape is pretty observant.

Though I believe it started with that one lonely Gryffindor that knows all the gossip but is somehow is always alone, then she probably told it to the black sisters as the gossip in them never ends and then my research of how the hell that word got out got suppressed by the vast thump of the door to Gryffindor tower clashing shut.

Remus, quite viciously if I do say so myself, stomped towards me and said in a threatening tone, "Sirius, what the hell? How does everybody in the freaking school know about Snape?"

"Well it is kind of obvious that he's here, at last, he is a student and as we are famous and he is our main target he's pretty much famous too, just not in a good way. You know-"

"Sirius Black, what did you do?"

"Nothing really... I mean, what about that girl that knows about everything, huh?"

"Well then, she fucked up" He turned away to the staircases leading to the boy's dorms.

"How come?"

"He's moving schools"


Goodday my dear Potterheads. Thank you for reading the chapter.

Question: What's the best thing about winter to you?

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