℘α𝖗𝚝 3- Suspicions

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1986 3nd September

Remus's POV

I and the marauders were walking down the hallways of Hogwarts. Siri and Prongs were talking about something, most likely Quidditch, deep in the conversation.

I slipped out of the group not even them noticing. I went to our common room another way. The one Thought swarming in my head of, 'Why didn't Snape reply, he almost always stands up for himself...'

I didn't really think about it much till I got to our common room. I opened the common room door and went straight to my dorm.

I grabbed a piece of paper that I had in my drawer and started writing down things whilst sitting on my bed and writing on my bedside table.

What did I write? Ideas. Ideas why Snape said or bearly did nothing...

•He was scared

•He's fed up with our constant bullying

•Something happened over the summer. Eg. N
neglected, traumatised,

•He's planning to do something to us

•He is someone else poly-juice potioned as Snape, for some reason


I left some blank spots on the page so I'll be able to add future ideas. I kept thinking further until I heard the door veer open.

I saw Peter entering. He put his bag down on his bed and came over to me. "What you doing?" He asked looking curiously at the paper I was writing on.

"Well, you know how Snape didn't talk, like, a single time this year?" He thought for a minute. "Nor in class, nor in the great hall and not even when Prongs and Padfoot threatened him."


"Well, I'm trying to disfigure why. I've only got so many reasons." I showed him the paper.

"Why not just slip him some vera-serum into his drink and ask him?"

"Because that's mean, Worm-tail. Now, do you have anything to add?"

He thought for a minute then said, "What if he was mute?"

"Over the summer?"

He shrugged and sat on his bed opposite mine. We sat there for an hour or two adding more ideas onto the paper, slowly building it up.

3 Person

Remus put down his quill after hours of severe thinking with Petter. They crossed out most options sure that they aren't real.

"So what's left?" Peter asked Remus looking at the list lying upside down to him.

"Only one, I think..." He looked down the list. "'He lost his voice.'" Remus read of the page.

"So he must be mute?"

"I guess. Nothing else workes, as we disfigured." He said checking the list, again.

The door opened again as James and Sirius barged in. Sirius ran up to Remus sitting down on his bed looking at him.

"Oh, Moony we were all so worried we thought we lost you forever!" He said dramatically.

"What?" Remus said stunned of their sudden entrance.

"Padfoot realised that you were gone and so he begged me for us to look for you," James said leaning on one of Remus's bed polls.

"And then you remembered you had the map?"

"We had it?" Sirius asked turning to Prongs

"We had it," James said almost eminently.

"Well, why didn't you tell my prongs?! Didn't you hear? I thought we lost our precious Moons forever! And-"

"What's that?" James asked looking at the few papers scattered on Remus's bedside table.

"Nothing." He quickly took them all and put them in a drawer.

The two brushed it off starting a small conversation witch Remus and Peter joined in on.


Goodday my dear Potterheads. Thank you for reading the chapter. Sorry for the long wait. I was focusing on other books but the next chapter is already started.

Question: Do you like hot water?

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