℘α𝖗𝚝 6- Gone

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1986 6th September

Lilys POV

He's gone!

He is so gone! He's nowhere!

I and Snape usually meet up at the great hall doors but he wasn't there.

I went to the Slytherin table looking for him but he wasn't there.

I asked people from Slytherin but some didn't want to say and some didn't know.

I asked that girl in Gryffindor who knows everything but she nodded me off.

And now I'm heading up to James and his little baffoons, they always mess up something.

"Where's Severus?" I asked casually, calm look on my face yet a tit of fury in my voice that I had rumouring in me.

"Well, there dear Lily-" Potter starred yet I cut him off.

"Cut your nonsense, Potter! What the hell did you do?" I was now sure it was them. Sure, they always approached me with that smug, weird starter that I guess they are trying to seduce me with but I see a slight cower in Sirius's expression in the corner of my eye.

"Well, Lily," Remus started, getting up from the Griffins table, "I've got to go." He turned and walked away slightly glaring at Sirius.

I now looked at both of them, turning my heel slightly, "Well?"

"Okay!" Black finally spoke up, "I might have told James and the word must have spilt somehow... but Remus figured it out!"

"figured what out?"

"Well... that he's mute?"

I turned pale. I could feel it. Blood is drawn from my face. But I didn't know why. Was it because they figured it out? They ought to know sometime... even if they are the oblivious idiots that they are...

I sighed, turning around and walking out of the great hall. As I passed the vast doors stripped with metal and natural wooden exterior, I began to wonder of what Sirius said.

'...and the word might have spilt somehow...' His words replayed in my head

Does he mean that people know that he's mute? And he now would have been bullied even more for that! Which means that he must have run away or...

Moved schools...

I then got to the doors of my first class, potions. I went in trying to now focus on the lesson.

James's POV

It as lunch when Padfoot told me that the rumour spread and that Snivellius will be leaving Hogwarts. Not like I like him or anything, I'm exhilarated that he's leaving!

We were talking about some other little joke we were gonna pull off till a certain redhead stridded over to us.

"Potter." She clasped her hands on the table making some of the cutlery and plated jump up around us. I opened my mouth to send her a witty remark yet she carried on, "Black. At breakfast, you said that 'the word might have spilt somehow'. What do you mean?"

"Well-" Sirius started.

"Does it mean that rumours started, he got bullied and harassed and now is traumatised so he moved schools to some other one where there arent any ridiculous students like you!?"

"Lily! Its pronounced ri-ddi-ku-lus-"

"Potter! Did you start a rumour and what. the. hell. happened. to. him?!"

"Lily! Look, we don't know who started the rumour but we do know that he moved schools to Ilvermorny."

"But that is so far away! How did he get there?!"

"Hey! Lily! We have magic!" I said taking my wand out my pocked, levitating a green apple in front of her face till she waked it away.

"You know what? I don't care who started it. You harassed him most non the less and didn't stop through the rumours and mute suff-"

"Hey, but to be fair we didn't know about the mute stuff-" I said but she cut me off, like usually honest.

"Good point but never interrupt me again! So as you two are just idiots that 100% have something to do with him leaving, I want you two to be responsible for him to come back. Understood?"

"Yes sir," I and Padfood said in sync.

"And never call me 'sir' again." She turned around, chin high, fairly too cleaned locks swaying behind her sunlight flashing off them.

"Well then Ilvermorny boy, its time to leave Hogwarts and bring that idiot back. Good luck on your mission!"

"What 'my mission'? She assigned it to us both!"

"Yeah? Well, I ain't doing it! Not even a furious Lily will make me go near that thing!"

"At least tell me that you'll at least help me!"

"Uh, sure I will... I just don't want to go anywhere near him."

"Guaranteed... The game is on, Evans..."


Goodday my dear Potterheads. Thank you for reading the chapter.

Question: What do you think is the most weirdest fear?

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