℘α𝖗𝚝 2- First Fight

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1986 2nd September

Severus's POV

It was only one day back to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Lily was in Potions whilst I was in History of magic.

I got off earlier and then waited out in the dungeon corridors near the potions classroom.

Then I heard quiet mumbling around the corner coming from the direction that Lily was supposed to come. I assumed it's her class yet then I saw the shadows.

There were three long shadows creeping through the corner in the cold dungeon lights.

Moreover, why three shadows? Usually, students came pouring out os the rooms and then there would be a few students left to come because they stayed late in the class, for whatever reason.

Then the shadow's finally crossed the corner I saw non over than Potter and his little gang of minions. He was missing one, Pettigrew, but that didn't matter.

What did matter was the fact they were there heading in my direction and spotted me so now there's no escaping them.

They were around two meters from me before potter slowly crept up on me snickering, "Well, well, well, what is Snivellius doing were? Wating for the only friend you have because everyone hates you?"

I was furious yet couldn't say anything. Any way I can bearly formulate a decent sentence in sign language and why should a douchebag like him know it.

To the lack of response Black stepped up to say, "You know, Snivellius, sometimes I wonder why a "mud-blood", as you call it, would be your friend."

Past year events. Of how I called Lily a mud-blood even if I didn't mean to. She thankfully forgave me somewhere around the end of the year. Thankfully. Without her, I would already be climbing the stairway to hell. His words broke me, yet I stood my ground trying to stay sain.

"Right Snape, why would she be your friend? I might as well give her a reason... some cool scars for example..?" James said right after.

"Pron-" Remus started in a matter-of-factly tone. He was the best out of all. He didn't bully me. Even regularly trying to stop the bullying... yet never succeeding.

"Moony, no" Black said with a stern and cold voice starling Lupin.

Then from that, I heard some jinx about to get thrown at me, guessing it was James. I covered my head with my arms even if it didn't do much waiting for the pain.

Yet before he could even finish the spell a sweetly-deadly tone was overheard."Potter, Black!"


I internally sighed retreating to a more normal standing position.

I looked over to see James pounding with Sirius joining his side whilst they left the corridors, Remus mouthing me a small 'sorry' on his way.

"Are you alright?" Lily asked coming towards me in unhuman speed trying to check for any injuries. I wiped her hand away nodding with a slight smile on my face.

"Well, we should go. I got off early as to making the potion early thought people will start pouring out any time now so we should go." She chirped a started to skip off to where ever we will be heading off to.


Goodday my dear Potterheads. Thank you for reading the chapter.

Question: Your favourite compliment you've been called? Mines 'Silent Ninja'.

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