Cara's POV
"oh my goodness I hope Aria is okay! I can't believe I did this to her! How could I just leave her behind like this! I'm an awful person," I shouted pacing around the small home I owned in London, "I should just fly down and get her now," I exclaimed now slamming my head against the wall now.
I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist, "shhh Cara it's all going to be fine. Aria will be here in a matter of days. Then everything will be absolutely perfect," I instantly calmed at the sound of his voice. He spinner my to where I was facing him,"'not to mention we will get to meet the famous Aria," crap! I knew I forgot something. I haven't told Aria yet. I looked up at him with a fake smile. Just being with him made my day. it made me realize how much I really do love him, "I love you, Zayn," I said softly to where only he could hear me. I kissed me passionately but we were interupted by the sudden yells, "EWWWW PDA!," we both looked to see Louis shielding the eyes of Niall and Harry. Liam was attempting to search for the juice. I huffed and untangled myself from Zayn's hold and got the juice from the fridge and put it on the table with one hand on my hip.
"thanks babe," Liam said pulling my head towards him and kissing the top of my head almost causing me to fall over. Zayn just laughed as I stumbled over. I gave him a death stare before getting myself some juice as well. The thoughts rushed through my mind. How could I tell Aria about the boys practically living here without here fangirling to death! How could i describe to the guys about Aria's "issues" without making her seem insane. This is just way to much to think about right now. Aria was like a sister to me. All I knew was that I needed her here as much as she needed to get away from home.

[COMPLETE] Broken (1D fanfic)
FanfictionHow does one break something that's already broken?