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Aria's POV

Hold the fangirl

Hold the fangirl

Oh hell to the no!

"WHAT!" I yelled, seeing the five boys in front of me. This can not be real.

"yeah about," Cara gestured to the boys pausing, "this. Urmm...well...see wha ha happen was...remember the concert we went to last year?" I nodded my head, sitting myself up a little bit more.

"well after the concert, I accidentally bumped into Zayn. We talked for a bit and...well...yeah. We started talking frequently and we sorta just started going out! And when I got that scholarship to go to that culinary school here, well everything is uphill from there," Cara shrugged her shoulders as if this whole thing was completely casual.

"and you kept this from me, why?" I asked, a bit of anger in my tone. I heard a rapid beeping coming from next to me and saw a few nurses rush in.

"I'm sorry but you all need to leave. You are stressing out the patient," one of the nurses demanded everyone to leave. I had nurses all around me, pinning me down. I felt I sharp pain in my wrist as everything became fuzzy.

Niall's POV

We were shoved out of the small room. Cara tried fighting her way back in several times. We watched Aria from the window of her room. What were they doing to her? She was flailing around frantically. All of a sudden...she just stopped. The hall went into an eerie silence, Cara stopping her fit as she saw what just had happened to her best friend. I saw the hurt in her eyes. It killed her inside. She started to fall to her knees, Zayn catching her before she collapsed into tears, "it's all my fault," she mumbled between tears, burring her head into Zayn's chest.

"Excuse me, but can we please speak with you?" one of the nurses asked Cara. She shot her head up,reluctantly getting to her feet. They brought her into the room. We all watched from the window.

Cara sat herself on one side of Aria, the nurse on the other. The nurse began talking and pointing to monitors next to Aria. Cara clenched onto Aria's hand, silent tears falling from her eyes. This is all so much.

Poor girl hasn't been in London 24 hours and she is already in the hospital.

Cara's POV

I took a seat and the nurse began explaining things to me.

"now if you look here you can see the fractures in her leg. She will need at least a year if therapy and recovery to heal. That isn't our main concern though," the nurse began. I grabbed Aria's hand, "Miss Torres as you already know us a Paranoid Schizophrenic. She has severe Anxiety problems and is currently very unstable," yeah no shit! I've known the girl since forever! I know way more about this than some nurse!

"your friend should be up for release by tomorrow if she is up for it,"

"what did you do?" I asked aggravated, referring to my limp friend.

"we...well we had to put her to sleep. She was getting too stressed and it was either this or a possibility of a seizure and we didn't want you to have to experience your friend go through that. You can talk to her though. I'll leave the two of you alone." with that the nurse left me in the room alone with Aria. For a while I just sat there. She looked like she was in so much pain.

"hey cookie," I began, not knowing entirely what to say, "erm...well...oh! I know what to say!"

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