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Aria's POV

"flight B13 to London, England is now boarding."

I woke up to the sound coming over the loud speaker. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and grabbed my bags, walking towards the entrance of the plane.


"what happened to that ladies leg momma?" I overheard a young girl in the seat beside me ask her mother. Her mom began scolding her sternly which made me uncomfortable and made me feel bad for the girl,

"it's alright," I interrupted the mothers scolding, "I got into an accident," I lied, not wanting to tell about my own mothers abuse. I pulled out my phone and texted Cara.

"hey Care Bear! I hate planes!!"

I clicked send and within a minute she replied. I laughed to myself when her contact name came up.

Text from: Sexiest person you knowxx-

"ARIA! Yay how much longer till you land?"

Oh, the weird names we have for eachother.

Cara's POV

the ping noise sounded, indicating I got a text. I jumped to my phone before one of the guys got it.

Text from: Awesomest biotch eva!-

"umm...about an hour now:)"

I screeched causing the guys to jump a little.

"what was that for," Louis shouted at me. I jumped up from Zayn's lap and started pacing the room.

What was I going to tell her?

Hey Aria! While you were living your depressing life back in New York, I was here having the time if my life with the five hottest guys in the world! Oh yeah and I'm dating one of them too!

Yeah I'm sooooo going to say that! Then it hit me.

"shit! You guys need to leave! I need to get to the airport! I should get her a welcome gift! Didn't I say you need to leave! She's going to freak out. Oh my goodness," I still haven't told her and she's going to be here in an hour!

I shooed the guys out of my house and jumped into my car and drove for the airport.


Aria's POV

I felt the plane slam against the floor, pain surging through my leg at the sudden impact. Yet I still smiled. It's finally all over. I'm home now. My new home.

I grabbed my bags and walked out of the plane following the crowd of people ahead of me. As soon as I stepped off of the plane I felt someone jump onto me and scream. I wobbled at first, swallowing the pain.

"omygosh Aria! I've missed you so much! I have SO much to tell you! Ugh I can't believe you're here. In London. With me! I'm going to throw you a huge welcoming party and it's going to be great and-" I cut of Cara who was talking do fast I could barely hear her.

"Cara honey, can we just get home first?" the sound made me slightly happy. Home. I would be so much happier here. No more drama.

We made our way towards Cara's car and I tried my best to hide my pain from her. Last thing I needed was an angry Cara.

Once in her car, I took the liberty of turning on the radio. Instantly, One Direction's song "Live While We're Young" came on and I lit up. I almost screamed and fangirled my ass off!

Hold up!

"CARA! We are breathing the same air as One Direction! Ermegerd I think I might die," fangirl was showing, "wouldn't it be just crazy if we met them?"

Cara's POV


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