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Weeks had gone by. I almost never saw Harry. Did I even want to see him?

Maybe I was unintentionally avoiding him!

Maybe he was avoiding me!

I pushed the thought aside when Cara walked into my room.

"Hey, I made dinner. Are you going to come down and eat?" I didn't want to even step out of my room. Maybe I was just being stubborn. Was I just over-reacting to the whole thing? I should just go down stairs already! I've only stepped out if my room every once in a blue moon and I swear, I bet half the guys forgot I was even there.

I decided it wouldn't really hurt to maybe eat a little and go down. I lifted the covers off of me and slowly made my way up from my warm bed. Weakly, I forced myself downstairs, Cara right behind me.

As I got to the final step, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

You could feel the awkward tension build up. No one spoke. Everyone just stopped and starred.

Deciding to break at least some tension in the room, I clapped my hands together and spoke.

"So...hey," was all I could think to say. My voice was raspy and it hurt to breathe let alone speak. Emotions bubbles inside me. I made sure to look everywhere but the eyes of these boys.

I felt eyes bore into my head. I ignored them though. I looked down at my hands and played with my fingers, only making things more awkward.

"So she's not dead?" An annoying preppy voice broke yet another silence. My hands clenched into fists. I looked up I to the eyes of the damned bimbo that was before me. Her artificially tanned skin just gave me a headache to see. I wouldn't let her get to me though. I got this. Get prepared for bitch!

"Ohh, I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the whore plastered all over your face! Oops," I smiled as I ended my comment. I saw from the corner of my eye that the boys were holding back laughs.

I felt the sudden sting of a hand colliding across my face. Bitch please! I've been through worse. Don't worry, I got more!

The collision made me fall to the floor slightly. I placed my hand in the now sore flesh and took it off to look at my hand.

"I'd slap you back here but I don't want to get slut on my hand! Sorry'" I only laughed at the end and I saw that the boys were almost on the floor with laughter. Except for Harry. He was stood up and looked upset.

"You bitch," she shouted at me.

"That'd be me," I replied, crossing my arms, "now if you dot mind I'm going to wipe the whore stain you left on my cheek off."

I turned around and ran up to my room.

Score 1 for me!

Take that!

[COMPLETE] Broken (1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now