Aria's POV
I walked through the crowded halls. The crowds and clusters of somebodys flooded everywhere, making it almost impossible to move. Yet out of each and every person in this entire school, no one has ever noticed me. Senior year already: not even a "hello" from someone.
I limped my way through the crowds, receiving dirty looks and scowls. I finally made it to my class and sat down in the very back. Just 2 more days. 2 more days till I can fall into the arms if my only friend. The only person I could ever talk to. I wonder how it is in London? That's one of the only things that keeps me standing honestly! Just thinking of all if the adventures Cara and I would have!
My concentration was broken as a sudden burning took over my leg that was already in enough pain. I looked up to realize that one if the Barbie dolls had kicked me in the leg, noticing my pain and walking away with a smirk on her makeup caked face.
2 more days
2 more days
2 more days
I can do this.
I got through the class without exploding, despite the random death stares of the barbies of the class. I don't even know why they hate me so much! I just ignored the problem and limped to my car.
I sat in the set of my car in relief, all the pain from my leg slightly releasing itself. I examined the bloody mess that was my leg. I don't even know how it is humanly possible to do this to your own daughter. I let it go though. I knew why she was going through, what se went through. She was just unstable. Again. I drive home with the window slightly down to let in the cold New York air.
When I finally pulled into the house hesitantly, I instantly calmed noticing my mom wasn't home. I really didn't want to deal with her abuse today. All I wanted was to just go to sleep. To go to sleep and never wake up. I immediately ran up to my room, smashing my head into my pillow. All the agony built up inside of me. Instinctively, I reached for my bedside table and took out the tiny razor blade, bringing it to my already scar covered arm.
Snap out of it! Stay strong! In a matter of days everything will be perfect! I can completely start over. I put the blade back and closes the drawer letting out a sigh of relief.
A throbbing pain took over my body for the hundredth time today. I curled myself into a ball, holding in as much pain as possible. I should probably go to the hospital.
I can't do that. Then they'll just treat me like a bug or something. Poking and prodding at my as if I were some experiment. I just can't stand hospitals. But the pain- no stop! Bare through it!
I must have fallen asleep because when I picked up my phone it was almost 11 at night. It doesn't seem like my moms home. She must have gotten drunk and went home with some guy again. Typical.
You know, it wouldn't hurt if I just went to the airport now. I could just spend the night there...right? I just know I didn't want to be home when she got home. I almost couldn't walk from last time.
Crap! What's Cara going to think! What is going to happen when I get there barely able to stand! I'll just hide it! Yay! What she doesn't know wont hurt her right. I started getting very unsure about everything now; debating with myself on what to do. I grabbed my luggage and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I made my way to my car, peeking around making sure my mom wasn't home.
I put everything in my car and went back to my room to get the little things, my room almost completely empty now. Almost empty except for I picture that hung on the far wall of my room and I letter on my dresser. I grabbed the picture from the wall, remembering the very day:
It was my 7th birthday. My mom, dad, little sister, Cara, ad her parents were there. Everything was perfect then. We all went to a park and spent they day together just having fun. We all gathered together and made funny faces as my dad clicked the button in his old fashioned camera that the picture just instantly developed as soon as you took it. Te picture was the best, all of us sporting our best silly faces.
That was before.
I shoved the memory in the back of my mind and walked over to the note, a tear falling down my cheek. I slowly unfolded the letter, reading it to myself:
Daddy loves you more than the world. I know you won't understand any of what's happening right now but you will when you're older. I'm sorry to tell you this in a letter but There was a shooting at the pre school. Lily had to go away. Daddy wants to be with Lily though so daddy is going to be leaving. I need you to promise me to be strong. Be my rock okay, Aria. I know this is going to be do much for you to handle and I hate myself for doing this to you especially, you only being a young girl but I just can't anymore. I'm sorry. I'll lie you forever and always
I remember the seven year old me running into my dads room in confusion only to be met by my father holding a gun up to his head and pulling the trigger.
Ever since then, my mother became an alcoholic and forgot me as a daughter yet knew me as a chore. I had to fend for myself since she shut herself off from me after that day.
Taking both things, I made my way into my car and sped away towards the airport. I just wanted to leave and I wanted to leave now.
Once at the airport I talked to one of the ladies working in the front. I guess out if sympathy she led me to an office like room and let me relax there until my flight. She sat with me and brought the attention to my leg. After briefly explaining to her se left and came back with a small package. She took out a few things and pulled up the pant leg to my baggy jogging pants. She put in an alcohol like substance causing me to cringe in pain but the pain slowly soothed. She wrapped it up tightly and patted me in the back saying, "everything will be just fine." the only kindness I've received here and it's from a total stranger. I smiled, "thanks," then she gave me a blanket and told me to get some rest for it was almost 1 in the morning.
I rested my head on the arm of the chair I was sitting on and drifted to sleep the thoughts fluttering through my mind.
I'll be in London soon.
With Cara.
Everything will be okay.
Will it?

[COMPLETE] Broken (1D fanfic)
FanfictionHow does one break something that's already broken?