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Roi woke up and find herself under Vincent. He is still unconscious. " Vincent?.... Wake up?" She shook him slightly.

Unable to wake him up, she tried to move him away but he was too heavy. Pin to the sandy island she stood still listening to the wave crashing .

" Hmm.." Vincent move slightly. Alive and awake now.

" Vincent..can you please move?" Roi spoke softly. His eyes went wide and started to move a bit, touching Roi's chest in the process. He quickly take away his hand , falling ending up making their lips clash onto each other.

Vincent look away awkwardly and stood up looking at the area around them.

" So..where do you think we are?" Roi said after she calm down.

" Probably a deserted island. Lets search for food and shelter and at the same time look for twig so we can make a S.O.S sign," Vincent began to take in charge.

Roi stare at him . His face looks like he is trying hard not to place a smile across his face. " Are you a sadistic kuudere?" She accidentally thought aloud. Vincent stop walking and turn to face her.

" Not at all," He said simply with a sneaky smile. Roi gave a shrug and walk behind Vincent.

They soon found some bananas, raspberries,blueberries and coconuts. "Is this a garden or something? I didn't know all this came from the same ...tropical..?" Roi try to remember the word.

" Well haven't you notice the slight change of temperature?"

" Well I just thought it was all due to the amount of trees. It gets hotter as the trees is denser and cooler when's not," They started making its way back to where they started back at the beach.

" Not really. After checking around the area, it seems that this was remotely made so some surrounding will have this fixed temperature for the plant to be able to grow. Maybe there's someone else still here," He said a bit upset.

Roi gave a shrug and shook her head slightly," Not really. Didnt you see the volcano?" Roi pointed at it as they emerge back to the beach. Vincent look at where Roi is pointing and saw smoke on top of it. Vincent cant help but smile now.

" Do you really like getting stranded on an island with an active volcano?" Roi gave a laugh peeling the banana skin before eating.

" Well like they say 'Experience gives Opportunity' the more you experience something ,you can see what your mind is made off. Opportunity comes with your strength too," Vincent spoke so wisely that Roi was move by his words.

" Well then lets make an S.O.S sign before the volcano erupted and kill us," Roi spoke when both of them finish the fruits except for 4 coconut in case they got tired and need water.

The temperature rises a degree per half an hour. And it's already been 5hours since they started with constant breaks and small earthquake. The two stranded people has finish makin a large ' S.O.S' sign.

" Lets ligth it on fire," Roi grab 2 dry rock and began clashing it near the sign.

" Sure let me make the fire. As soon as it lit up you better run towards the water. It's already hot I dont want you to be burn or get hurt," Vincent looks at Roi with a wink

Roi nodded nonchalantly not thinking much. Vincent began clashing the two rocks together. The third clash there was a spark and some landed on the twigs and leaves sign. Not long , fire appear and began spreading to the rest of the sign.

" Lets run!" Roi yell as she took Vincent to the sea. " That was a strong fire. Are you alright?" Roi spoke again when Vincent isn't doing anything and looks like he's gonna sink.

She cover the small distance between them with only their face an inch apart. Her hand began touching Vincent face. Especially where his eyebrows use to be. She look at his face and saw him beat red.

" Are you alright? It's alright. It normal for making fire in a hot temperatures with no humidity in the air for that to happen. It began to go out of control. Luckily we build the sign with a distance of about 10 meter between the sign and the big garden," Roi ramble on and on

A hand wrap around her, she turned and saw it coming from Vincent. His face slightly red. He gave a seducing smile with a wink. His hand sliding from her head to her hand. Giving Roi a shiver.

" Um..," She felt awkward and tense .

" It's alright," He whisper covering the last distance. Their forehead against each other.

" You have a fever," Roi said when she felt her forehead burning as thier forehead touch. She separates their forehead and touch Vincent's forehead again. Feeling the temperature.

" Well either you have a fever or the heat is getting to me," She said. Half of her felt like she should just float away the other half. Is thinking of ways to survive.

" Why didn't we build a raft or boat?"

" There is 76% chance we be heading somewhere further and might die from hunger," Vincent mumble. His lower half is in the water with him laying his body between the beach and sea.

" Lets see the Sunset," Roi said looking at the sky. Vincent gave a nodded and Roi began to help Vincent sit up.


" 2"

" 1" The sun began setting. Vincent and Roi stare at the beautiful scenery infront of them. Leaving the two of them mouth open when the sky turn dark.

" That's incredible. It's as if I saw heaven , earth and hell right there. That's just me hallucinating righ? It like it came out from a painting," 30 min must have past by then and Roi spoke first.

" I saw it too....Im really happy I am able to see that beautiful scenery with you," Vincent gave a charming smile. " So do you want to stay here or went back?"

" I can't really choose staying here is nice if I can see that scenery again. But I dont really want to die here because of a volcano erupted," Roi stopped talking as she hear the sound of helicopter.

" Help?" She look at Vincent and he shrug. " Wanna call for them. Telling them that we're here?"

Rock began to rain near them telling them the Volcano is gonna erupted and the lava is gonna kill them. " No choice," She gave a wink and stood up swinging her hand around and shouting.

A light shown on them and soon the helicopter is above them. They let down a rope ladder after there is 10 feet between them. " Think you can hold on?!" Roi shouted at Vincent through the sound of the helicopter noise, referring to him being sick.

He gave a nod and began to climb a few steps after being persuaded by Roi when he wanted her to be above. Both of them soon was half through the ladder when the helicopter started moving away.

" Are you alright Roi? Vincent didn't do anything to you right? " The 3 boys crowded in front of Roi.

" Don't be an idiot. Why would he? Aren't all of us friend?" She said clearly forgotting the small confession she received. The 3 male grimace.

Seft gave a slight chuckle earning everyone attention except for the pilot. " You guys are too much. Let her rest. Cant you see the both survivors has a fever?" quickly uncle Joshua check her forehead and clearly there it was.

The rest of the flight back was filled with silence in consideration to Vincent and Mostly Roi.

Alright. That's it for this chapter. The last 2 days has been tiring, with me going home nearly at midnight.

So who do you want Roi to be with.



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