Mike's POV
We are almost in New York several hours later. Tony leans against me saying "security really doesn't like you." I say "its not them its the people around it. They're like omg that guy has a gun. Then everyone freaks out then security shows up and its a whole thing." Tony nods saying "mmm" kissing my cheek. I say "and they just decide to pick a fight with me thinking I'm a stupid criminal" rolling my eyes. Tony says "you'd be the least stupid criminal ever." I say "thanks" kissing his forehead. He plays with my fingers and mumbles "welcome." A guy says "get your gay out of my face." Tony hides his face in my shoulder, chuckling and mumbling "get your gay out of my face, Mike." I chuckle saying "Tone, get your gay out of my face" mocking the guy. The guy says "are you mocking me?" I say "yes, cause you're funny." Tony shakes his head, smiling. He mumbles "don't get in a fight, weirdo." I say "I won't ." The guy says "being gay is a sin. Its no laughing matter." I laugh saying "you sound like every movie with a gay person in it ever, you're being so cliche its funny." A couple people are taking videos and I say "dude, you look like the bad guy now." He says "no, you're the bad guy, I bet you have no job, your parents are paying for this, and he's a whore thats fucked all your friends." I say "what the fuck did you just say about him?" He says "thats all you took from that?" I say "uh no, but he's clearly more important to me than me "having no job" but that's fine." He says "you don't have a job, he's a whore, and you're probably on some rich kid fund." Tony says "if anything Mikes the whore." I say "woah, rude" laughing. I say "second, I have a pretty important job, and third no, my job is paying for this." Asia is sitting in front of me and she says "you don't want to mess with him, dude. Not worth it." The guy says "whats it to you, you little slut, you his whore too?" I say "ok, thats it. Shes like 15 and I saved her life, ok? Ive been married to this guy for 3 almost 4 years, and lets just say my job is rather important and I could get you banned from everywhere and everything." Asia says "wait, you can do that?" I say "yeah, I need a damn good reason for it but I'm capable." The guy says "you can't do that." I say "want to bet?" The people that were watching mumble "oooo" under their breath. I jokingly say "are adults becoming high schoolers now?" A random woman jokes back "how'd you know?" She makes people laugh and I say "theres more high schoolers in my house most of the time rather than adults but they're grossed out by everything, its funny doing it on purpose." They laugh and the guy says "you cant actually do that, can you?" I say "wanna find out when we land?" He says "prove it." Tony mumbles "the right answer was no, buddy." I chuckle saying "you're a weirdo." Tony says "you're mean." I say "mmm, I know. I wouldn't get very far with my job if I wasn't." Tony mumbles "I love you." I mumble "I love you too." The guy says "ew." One of the flight attendants tell him to stop being derogatory then she looks at me. She says "see you around, Mr. Fuentes" blushing lightly and walking away. Tony mumbles "look at you being important." The guy says "how many whores do you have?" I say "1. 3 minutes left." Tony says "wow, you can keep track of time, Mike." I say "its great right?" We laugh and the guy says "thats too long." I say "I pity your wife if you think 3 minutes is too long" making a couple adults laugh. (Ive wanted to make that joke but I give credit to the movie bohemian rhapsody.) Tony says "that three minutes would suck." I chuckle saying "mmm. Yeah." The guy says "gross, you're thinking about having sex with me." I say "gross, no. Just three minutes is really short" laughing. Tony says "I met this guy once that didn't last like 2 minutes." I chuckle and we land a few minutes later. We get off the plane and a guy from security says "hey, Mr. Fuentes, that guy looks mad" pointing at the guy from the plane. I say "yeah, he was annoying me, trying to get me to tell him what my job is so like tell him I put him on the no fly list for the next year." Tony says "that harsh?" We both laugh and the security guy says "he must of been really annoying, I'll get you the hook up." I say "thank you" and we walk away. The guy says "you gonna prove it I say "go check who's on the no fly list in the next 24 hours." He says "you didn't." I say "yeah, no fly list for the next year, told me to prove it so I did." We get to the hotel and check in. Tony flops on the bed, groaning. I chuckle saying "what?" He says "shhh, I'm comfortable, come cuddle me." I lay down, pulling him close to me. He smiles, kissing me. I say "what do you think?" He says "I'm excited because you're going to suffer as a teacher." I say "gross but so are you." Tony says "button up on a daily." I say "ok, if thats a rule, I swear to god." Tony says "theres a 50 50 so, good luck?" I roll my eyes, kissing him. He smiles saying "it probably isn't a rule plus shouldn't we go to their station just to check in cause were supposed to start tomorrow?" I say "we start tomorrow?!" He nods saying "so should we?" I say "yeah, I guess" getting up. He says "ugh, I'm so comfortable." He slowly gets up and we go to their station. I wonder how they're doing?

Absolutely Badass: They Have Returned [Perrentes] {Book 6}Where stories live. Discover now