Mike's POV
I shut my eyes saying "I'm ready to fucking go home. Jesus Christ." I rub my forehead saying "ok, 15 push ups, don't be a show off, I want a steady pace. Your technique will get you ladies and men. Being too confident is a turn off to others, but a little bit is ok though. Or be shy thats cute too." I walk around the gym boredly and I hear a couple girls laughing as they walk in. I turn around and Angelica jumps on me, wrapping her legs around my waist. I laugh saying "what are you doing here?" I walk over to the bleachers, setting my phone down. She rests her head on my shoulder saying "I missed you." I see Billie and I say "who's idea was this?" Angelica says "uncle Vic" smiling innocently. I chuckle saying "oh yeah? Vic gave you the money?" She nods saying "a little from Kellin too." I say "so you aren't at school just to see me?" She says "maybe dad too." I chuckle and say "ok" her getting down. Billie mumbles "Vic had a feeling something was going to happen today here so we had a last minute feeling, that's why I'm here." I nod saying "20 sit ups then you're done." Everyone cheers and starts doing it quickly. I say "slow it down, before you get another 20." Billie says "so you're doing this with high schoolers now?" I say "yeah, wanna join?" She says "only if you want me to." I say "nah, you can have a break." I then mumble "you have to do it in a few days anyways." She says "damn." I say "so dramatic." Everyone cheers when they finish. I chuckle and a guy says "who's she? Shes cute." A couple guys nod in a agreement." Angelica looks at me mumbling "what do I do?" I chuckle saying "do what you want, sweetheart. Just nothing illegal and I think you'll be fine." She smiles at them shyly saying "I'm not interested, I just had a rough break up, I'm sorry." They shrug it off and one of the guys say "I'm sorry I said anything." She blushes lightly saying "its ok." She hugs me and I mumble "where is Vic at with that kid?" She says "he's basically arrested now. Vic and Finneas are dealing with it." I nod saying "ok. How are you feeling, sweetheart?" She mumbles "I'm good, just a lot of stress with this and without you guys at home." I say "I know, sweetheart. Its killing me just as much as you." I kiss her forehead and she quietly says "I love you, dad." I mumble "I love you too, sweetheart" rubbing her back. The kids were just waiting till the bell rang and as soon as the bell rings we here a terrified scream. I say "umm what was that?" I immediately pull a gun like I normally would and everyone freaks out. I show them my badge saying "trust me, alright?" Everyone gets up to leave and I say "I want you guys to go into lockdown procedure, no leaving, no touching my daughter inappropriately or I will blow your brains out." Angelica says "dad, I'm scared." I say "I'm gonna get everyone into lockdown and were going to figure everything out, k sweetheart?" She nods and a girl comes up to her saying "I'm Emily, come this way." I say "Billie, I want you here, no leaving unless I give you orders, got it?" Tony gets in here, the principal gets in here, and I say "I need a lockdown called like now. Tone, I need you calling NYPD, Billie is staying here cause I cant be here, I need a sub in that room that Tony was in, and we need to go quick. That guy is going to be in here if something happens." Billie says "whats the plan?" I say "find what the scream was from, if that guy is here, keep him away, get him out, and get this person into questioning and hopefully no one in the hospital. Its go time guys, lets get it running." I go out in the hallway and I see a few kids just standing there in shock around a girl who was stabbed and shot. I immediately put pressure on the wounds and I grab my phone. I call the hospital saying "I need an ambulance at the school this young girl has been stabbed, shot and looks like her head has been hit on the ground several times and she's about to pass out so you might want to hurry up." The person at the other end says "yup, you got it" hanging up. I say "hey, stay awake, honey." She says "it hurts so bad." I say "I know, honey. I know. Which way did the guy go?" She says "that way" pointing behind her. She says "I'm tired." I say "you need to stay awake, honey. If you don't it'll be much worse later than it is now, ok?" Tony takes over for me just quietly talking to her and being nice to her. I rub his back and I walk down the hallway and I hear another scream from the direction I'm walking in. I start running and I find a guy with a bloody knife and he drops it, then points a gun at me. I point my gun at him and I say "if you cooperate, I'll cooperate too, ok?" He says "what are you here for? People don't carry guns at a fucking school?" I say "why do you have one then?" He says "cause I need it for protection." I say "from what?" He says "from the people that sin to god, like f*gs." I say "woah, what are you against?" He says "those gay people are sinners and are going to get no where in life." I say "thats what you think. If you put the gun down I'll put my gun down." He says "k" then mumbling "this isn't going to end well is it?" I say "quite frankly, no" taking his wrists and holding them behind his back. We get to the main hall and he yanks his wrists from me, holding another gun at Tony. I back away, pointing my gun at the kid. All the kids are gone from before except that girl and the principal. I say "dude, you shoot him, you're in the hospital." The kid says "what? Are you a f*g too?" I say "maybe I am, whats your problem?" He says "prove that if I shoot him, I'm in the hospital." Tony says "Mike, calm down, I don't want to be in New York any longer than we have to. I want to go home" in a small voice. I sigh saying "ok, I'm sorry." The kid moves the gun to me saying "ya know what, I'll shoot you instead." I say "I have back up coming, dude. You're just fucking with yourself not cooperating with me." He drops the gun and I take his wrists behind his back. When back up gets here Oli takes him in. The ambulance gets here and takes the girl too. Tony says "Mike, those are police grade guns."

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