Mike's POV
I say "umm why are those police grade?! Damn, where could those be from? Oli wouldn't give anyone shit." Tony says "not a clue, Mike." I say "you can take them out of lockdown if you want" picking the gun up. I go and grab the other one. Tony goes to wash his hands then comes back. Tony says "I have a feeling theres something going on with those" taking a gun from me. I say "what do you think it is, babe?" He says "don't know" flipping it around in his hand. Everyone is let out of lockdown and I say "we might want to take this outside." He nods and we go outside. I say "we might want to just smash one of these and see what we can find honestly." Tony says "I think we should take it apart not smash it." I chuckle saying "fine" sitting on the ground. He sits across from me and I say "maybe a bomb?" Tony says "so casual" pulling a multi tool out of his pocket. He starts breaking it and I say "whats happening with it?" Tony says "its a bomb. It has a timer on it too." I say "let me see it then." He hands it to me saying "it looks advanced, good luck." I say "ok, lets try this. I don't have the time to defuse this. This is going to go off in 30 seconds." Tony says "what are you gonna do then?" I say "try and defuse it and hope for the best." I quickly take the bomb apart and I say "it should be good." Tony says "look at you being good at what you do." We chuckle and I say "and the other one?" Tony says "I'm assuming they would've been on the same timer and it hasn't blown up yet so I don't think it works." He takes it apart saying "yeah its broken. These are so tiny." I say "mmm, I know. Weird. We have to bring this stuff in." Tony says "mhmm, I'm still wondering how this dude got police grade guns." I say "me too, how in the world? I don't care right now." I stand up and walk across the parking lot, putting the pieces in my car. Tony leans against the car in front of me, biting his lip and looking up at me. I say "what?" I step closer to him and he smiles saying "nothing." I kiss him and he mumbles "I love you." I say "I love you too" kissing him. He smiles shyly, looking at me. I kiss him mumbling "you're cute." He blushes, hiding his face in my shoulder. I chuckle, kissing his forehead. I say "I think we have to go back in." He groans saying "I don't want to." I say "I don't either." He wraps his arms around my neck, kissing me. He says "I don't want to." I say "I know, I don't want to either, baby" kissing his forehead. He holds my hand and we go inside. He lets go and everyone in the hallway is freaking out. I loudly say "what is going on?!" Everyone stops and I say "why is everyone freaking out?!" I put my gun in my back waistband saying "ok, how about this. You guys go to the gym were not going to talk about anything thats been going on, I'll find out if you do, trust me I will. Now, go." Everyone goes and Tony says "were gonna have to explain this." I nod and I say "ok, so were gonna do that, clear everything with Oli, and figure out where the guy got the guns from. I'm not missing anything am I?" Tony says "question the guy when we get there." I say "thats what I forgot, ok." The principal says "so you're just going to explain everything to them?" I say "well not every detail but as much as I can, yeah." She nods saying "ok, you've done this before, I'm not going to tell you what to do." I say "mhmm. We have." We go to the gym and Angelica immediately jumps on Tony. I chuckle, going to the front of the gym. I say "everyone aww with me. 3,2,1" and everyone says awwwww. Angelica leans against the bleachers and Tony stands next to me saying "you're a weirdo." I say "I know" smiling. I say "hi new people. I saw so many of you this week but theres so many I haven't. I'm not familiar with like any of you, this is exciting. How are you?" Everyone says something random. I say "great, ok. So you are probably wondering what just happened. Well, you wanna share?" Tony shakes his head, looking at me. I chuckle saying "k. So basically. Where's Billie?" Angelica shrugs, Tony says "she went to work on the case with Oli." I nod saying "and she tells you and not me?" Tony says "no, I pay attention and you don't." The kids chuckle and I say "fine, ok. We were called here to work on a case that was happening within this school because NYPD isn't used to working with cases like this like we are. We aren't teachers, we did a good job though right?" I hear a few cheers and I high five Tony. I say "I'm getting distracted, whoops. I can't tell you exactly what happened until were completely done with it. You'll hear about eventually I'm sure. Everyone is doing alright up to my knowledge right now. Does anyone have any questions cause I would have a lot too?" A girl says "is she ok? Shes my friend and she was shot." I say "as far as I know, shes doing alright. I can check for you though." I call Oli and he says "you've been busy and I made your schedule?! Awwww." I say "yes, you did, Oliver. How is that girl that was brought in to the hospital?" He says "oh, I think she just got out of surgery, her mums there, shes great actually. I just checked with her a few minutes ago." I say "awesome. Thats great, I had to ask for someone." He says "sure mate, bye." I say "bye" hanging up. A girl says "are you single?!" I chuckle and Tony says "whats with teens hitting on you?" I say "cause I'm fabulous." He says "ok" shaking his head. I hear a couple people say "shade!" Tony says "so, is Mike Fuentes single?" I say "by the way this conversation is going, I'm probably about to be. No, I'm not single sorry ladies, gentlemen." The students laugh and Tony says "you really are about to be" rolling his eyes. I say "says who?" Angelica says "I object on this decision." Tony says "her apparently." We laugh and I say "I mean its your call, Tone." Tony says "you're a dork." I shrug saying "ok fair."

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