Mike's POV
We get to the place and the receptionist says "Mr. Fuentes, whats going on?" I say "checking someone in, we don't know what she could be on she seems kind of out of it, I would like a drug test before you do anything, I need to be able to question her soon as possible. Can you make that happen?" She says "yes sir, Jackie, we need to get this girl a room." Makayla tugs my sleeve saying "is it needles?" I say "no, honey. Its not, they're gonna take good care of you ok?" She says "I'm scared. I want my mom." I say "where is she?" She says "up there" pointing at the ceiling. I say "do you want me to get you someone to talk to while you're here?" She says "no, I want you to stay here. I don't want my family either." I say "I gotta go work though." She says "will they tell me cool stories?!" I say "maybe if you're nice she'll let you braid her hair." She says "really?!" I say "sure, I'll get her in here but for now you gotta go with her so she can show you whats happening, k?" She nods, following the nurse. I say "don't do anything you wouldn't do to a small child before Billie gets here." The receptionist says "does she have DID?" I say "not on her medical records if she does but I'm gaining suspicion." She nods saying "I'm no doctor but she might have it." I nod saying "ok, I'll keep an eye out." She says "good luck with whatever you're working on, even though you don't normally need it." I say "I always need it" chuckling, making her chuckle too. Tony follows me and holds my hand when we get outside. Tony says "so, multiple personality disorder could be a factor in this if she has it." I nod, kissing his temple. I say "she didn't want to see her family with this going on" as we get in the car. Tony says "hmm, maybe shes so defensive because shes scared of her parents and most people with this disorder develop it because of trauma. So, its probably trauma with her parents and like herself and not the other alters is whats so defensive because shes scared someones going to hurt her." I say "but she doesn't know she has this. The borderline schizophrenia explains it though, maybe she was misdiagnosed" and we drive off. Tony says "like remember when she said she forgot what happened? She must also get amnesia when she switches." I nod saying "maybe. This car is ultimate laziness for me" pressing a button to call Billie. Tony laughs and I say "hey, could you come out here and hang with this girl who's in the hospital?" She says "is it the girl were doing a case on?" I say "yeah, we think she has DID so just be easy on her when and if she switches. When shes acting small she likes stories so tell her stories when they do stuff." Billie says "you got it, boss." I say "gross, don't call me that." She laughs saying "k, bye" hanging up. Tony draws shapes on my thigh with his fingers tiredly. I take his hand, kissing his knuckles. He blushes and I say "I love you." He says "I love you too." I pull the car into the parking lot and Tony trails his hand to my inner thigh. I lean over, kissing him. He squeezes my thigh and I take his hand away and he wraps his arms around my neck. I peck his lips and we get out of the car. We walk inside to Finneas explaining a joke. Finneas says "so, if you call someone a dick and they call you an asshole a good come back would be cum inside me then, then you walk away. Boom, done." I say "wouldn't that just make each other laugh?" Finneas says "no, not if you're mad enough" laughing. Chief says "I regret leaving him in charge." I chuckle saying "I don't know I might use that one in our next argument, Tone." Tony says "We don't argue, Mike. It wouldn't be very useful." I say "but it would be funny." Tony shakes his head saying "whatever." Chief says "so, what happened?" I say "shes getting a drug test." He says "you didn't need us?" I say "no, it seems like she has DID and she switched so when she switched she started acting like a small kid. So, she was excited about everything and she gave me her knife so thats good." I hand him the knife and Chief says "she carries a knife?" I say "yeah, I wasn't sure about it either." Tony and I go to our office and Tony says "so, we have her but we also have a bigger mental health thing going on with her than we expected." I nod saying "yeah, what are we gonna do about it?" Tony says "do our job." I chuckle saying "thanks, captain obvious" rolling my eyes. Tony says "with these texts theres an hour in between them where they don't say anything then she comes back with a different personality." I say "how many different ones can you count?" Tony says "3, I think. No, 4" he takes a marker off the desk, circling everything and writing numbers to match personalities in different parts of the texts. Tony says "one is defensive, seems to show up when he asked her questions, 2 is herself like normally I would think, 3 is acts young, asks a lot of questions, very curious but excited about everything he tells her, and 4 shes very distant, short spoken, but responds immediately. 4 might just her being down or it could be something but this is what I can tell through looking at this, what do you think?" I say "I think thats good. What about her pushing him to 'do it' though?" Tony says "thats herself that she is also rather aggressive naturally." I bite my lip and he walks closer to me. I grab his hips and he mumbles "what?" I say "you're hot" pulling him closer to me. He blushes, biting his lip. I slide my hands into his back pockets and licks his lips. I kiss him and he flips us so he's against the wall. I squeeze his hips and he mumbles "I love you." I mumble "I love you too" sliding my tongue against his bottom lip. He groans quietly and I mumble "what do we have to do now?" Tony says "question her, look at the updated medical records, and look into her family cause she said she was scared of her family." I say "well we can't do that till tomorrow." He kisses me and he mumbles "mmm, true." I hear something slide under the door and I look over and I say "whats that?" I kiss him and I go over to the folder and it has a note on it. I m busy right now, could you look this over for me? -chief. I say "its another case." Tony says "hmm, ok."

Absolutely Badass: They Have Returned [Perrentes] {Book 6}Where stories live. Discover now