Mike's POV
Tony puts his glasses on, pulling his phone out. He says "ughgh, why?" I chuckle, kissing him. Tony says "we might have to destroy these walls at some point today." Oli says "you crazy, mate?" Tony says "quite frankly, yes." Everyone else gets here and I say "Billie, look at this note" handing it to her. She says "here we go again, boys." I nod and Tony says "theres a hollowed out spot right here in the wall." I say "break it, see whats behind it." Tony kicks the part of the wall and he falls backwards, laughing. I chuckle saying "you ok, baby?" He laughs saying "yeah" standing up. Finneas says "this chimney does not get used, I'm about to climb the inside of it" walking over to it. He says "this guy is a fucking idiot" pulling a couple notes out. I say "ughgh, this is fucked. Hows questioning the guy?" Vic says "I decided to leave him in the holding cell, its funny watching him just sit there and complain. When am I gonna get out? Right now probably never, buddy." I chuckle saying "dude, that guy is so fucking dumb, honestly." They start tearing down the wall and Tony says "this is a doorway. When does this dude have time for this? This looks a few years old." I rub my forehead saying "whats with the doorways behind walls? Were going to have to look at that." Tony says "and theres a lock, great." Oli says "is this what you guys do?" I say "mhmm." Tony says "I think we should look here now, I have a feeling. Once I get this unlocked." I kiss him mumbling "ok." I say "anyone do lines? Just kidding were not doing lines." Oli says "ugh, don't bring that shit back." I say "mmm, I wanna go home." We collected a nunchucks of cocaine and guns. We find brass knuckles and I say "this is the whitest guy I've ever seen in gang activity." Oli says "I have competition?" I say "this guy is whiter than you." Oli says "probably" rolling his eyes. I bring all the stuff to the station and Chief says "well take care of this. You guys don't have to do any follow up today." I shrug and I go back to Emmas house. I get a phone call and Maria says "you'll never guess what happened." I say "I probably could but tell me when you get back." I go inside and Maria says "you're so boring! We'll tell you later" hanging up. I say "guess what guys!" Billie says "hmm?" I say "no follow ups today my friends!" Tony says "yay! I haven't gotten this lock open yet." I groan saying "cut the wire?" Tony says "then it'll be no getting into it without a jack hammer." I say "did you ever think this door could just open and its not locked?" Tony says "I feel dumb" trying to push the door open. The door opens and I say "woohoo!" Tony says "yay!" We high five and I say "stepping into the threshold." Tony laughs saying "fuck off." We go down into the basement thing. We see the walls filled with guns and everything you could think of that a gang could use. I say "holy shit." Tony nods saying "this is a hot but very dangerous room to make out in." I mumble "you're right" leaning against this table in the middle of the room. He kisses me saying "I love you." I say "I love you too" rubbing his sides. I kiss him and he mumbles "switch" and I turn us around so he's leaning against the table. He wraps his arms around my neck. I mumble "jump" and he sits on the table. I mumble "this room is crazy." Tony mumbles "we might want to take fingerprints off these things." I nod saying "mhmm" biting his bottom lip. Tony mumbles "it would be hot to fuck in this room." I say "mmm, maybe. If it was less creepy then yeah I'd be down." He mumbles "and if no one was upstairs." I mumble "yeah, cause you're loud." He bites his lip saying "you're just that good" getting down. We hear a "the girls are back!" Tony groans saying "ugh." I kiss him gently and he moans quietly. I pull away quickly and he glares at my back as I walk upstairs. I turn around, smirking at him. We get up the stairs and he smacks me saying "you're a meanie." I say "I know." Emma says "well I'm negative of everything so thats good." I say "thats good, right?" She says "yeah." I say "we need the bed sheets, we need to take finger prints, and maybe repair this wall." Emma says "so whats the deal with this giant hole and staircase?" I say "Lucas is most likely part of a gang. Those walls down there are covered in guns and various other stuff." Billie says "these notes are useless they're like the other ones that are like hah you're an idiot. This sucks." I say "so nothing good coming out of them?" She says "yeah, pretty much." Finneas say "this guy is a fucking idiot, like he wants to be found." I say "thats it! Cause the copy cat wanted to be known everywhere. Huge attention whore basically." Vic says "did you ever think about how we could've wrongly accused the other guy and it really was this guy?" I say "or he was paid to be there or he was blamed and he took the blame. They could've dome it together too." They nod and Tony says "well, that opens a new door."

Absolutely Badass: They Have Returned [Perrentes] {Book 6}Where stories live. Discover now