pt.4 Mother&Danger

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The sound of fairies' giggling filled the air. I stood there in shock as one flew right up to me and started talking to me.

 "Well hello there, human! Are you new here?" The purple fairy asked.

 "Why, yes. Yes I am. What is your name?" I asked still in unbelief. 

 "Glimmer." she replied. 

 "Well, nice to meet you, Glimmer. My name is--" I was cut off by the fairy.

 "I already know your name, dear." she said as she giggled. I looked at Harry with a very confused expression on my face. How did everyone know my name? I never said it. Not even once! 

 "Harry, please explain all of this to me.." I said while turning to him.

 Harry sighed heavily before taking my hand into his, sending shivers down my spine. 

 "There is much to explain and say.. This land though, the land of Isla is meant to be ruled. We cannot make up all the laws by ourselves. The beast wants all power and wants to turn everything to darkness.", Harry started as we walked to a patch in the meadow and sat down.

 "Harry.. That doesn't really make any sense..", I said while he pulled me beside him so we were both facing the beautiful meadow. 

 "We once had a queen, long ago but she recently died. We are now lost creatures.", Harry sounded sad as he stated the queens death.

 "If it helps any..", I started while getting small tears in my eyes, "My mom just recently passed away, so I know how you feel. That's the whole reason I was running. I was lost and was trying to find the right direction for myself..", I looked up to see Harry smiling back at me.

 "What was your mothers name dear.. Idla..", a small fairy came and tapped my on the shoulder.

 "You know my name..", I stated.

 "Yes.. Yes.. Idla is such a beautiful name but what was your mother's name?", the small fairy then landed on my shoulder.

 "Isla...", I said while just then realizing what this all meant.. 

Tears streamed down my face as everything pieced together. 

 "My mother was... your queen?" I asked.

 "Yes, Idla, she was." The fairy said while Harry handed me a tissue. 

 "I.. I.. I never knew this. How could this be?" I asked in utter disbelief.

 "Oh, well, she was a lovely queen. How did you not know?" Harry questioned. 

 "I always thought there was something I wasn't being told." I said.

 "Probably for your own protection, dear Idla." said the fairy as she swung her feet back and forth.

 "So how will you get a new queen?" I asked curiously. They just stared me in the eyes waiting for me to realize. 

 "Oh no.. I couldn't possibly. I have no idea how to rule a land like this. I can't. I'm sorry." I said as I got up with tears in my eyes and started walking away. 

 "Idla!!", I heard the creatures of the forest call after me as I started running once again. 

 I could hear Harry in the distance, calling after me as if I would stop.

 Sure my mother was different and told me so many mythical stories growing up but I never thought they were real.

I started to understand a little bit why she would keep this from me but me rule? That would be impossible.

 Suddenly, I heard some flapping of wings. 

 "I'm coming for you little girl...", I heard a deep voice in the back of my mind and as I turned to look up towards the sky.. To see the source of the flapping wings..

 I was met with the strong dragon like legs of the beast. 

 I panicked. 

 "Harry!!" I yelled. I ran from my problem only to face another one much worse and now, I am faced with this terrifying beast. 

 "Help me! Anyone!" I screamed.

 "You won't escape me now, little girl." The enormous dragon said.

 "You can never hurt me." I said looking at the monster right in his eyes. Those black and red eyes made me cringe. The dragon laughed and mocked me. Harry ran to my side. 

 "Are you alright?" he asked trying to make sure I was okay.

 "Yes. How do I get rid of this thing?" I asked.

 "MUAHAHAHA.. You can't escape now little girl. You know nothing of this land.. How could you possibly rule it? A pathetic human like you won't stand a chance against the dark side.", the dragon roared as it circled around Harry and I.

 "Give her two months.. I'll teach her of the land and of her powers.", Harry spoke while taking a confident step toward the beast. 

 "Powers??", I gulped.

 "Hahahaha! She doesn't even know her own strength! You have a month young Harry and i will then return with my army!", the beast roared once more before flying up into the sky.

 "Powers?", I asked Harry once again.

 "Yeah.. Powers..", he scratched his head, making his curls go in all different directions. 

 I just looked at him, waiting for him to explain. 

 "He said one month right? That's really going to cut it close.. To teach you about all the creatures and to learn about your powers too.. You can help greens grow.. Make water rise or poor down.. Just helping things. Fire is on the dark side so it's not one of your powers. I think wind is kind of neutral. It'll take time to win it over but maybe you can.", Harry gave me nervous smile before putting his hand to his mouth and whistling real loud. 

 Signaling Marlingus.

 "Wind.. Winning it over? I'm so confused..", I put my hands to my head.

 "At first yes, you'll be confused, but as I train you you'll get the hang of it.", Harry said a bit un sure of himself.

 Maybe having Harry as my own personal trainer wouldn't be so bad.. I hope. 

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