pt.12 Love&Broken Hearts

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I woke to the sound of whispers in the room next to me.

 Getting up slowly and throwing on some jeans and a gray T-shirt was hard. I was really tired from yesterday. 

 Ever so slowly, I walked up to the wall dividing me and the other room and put my ear to it, trying to hear the voices.

 "Has she got the wind on her side yet?", I heard a deep voice ask.

 "No.", I heard Harry's disappointed voice.

 "How could you do this to us? The dark side has done so much for you! How could you betray us?", the deep voice yelled.

 "I'm not betraying you! I'm still on your side! Just give me more time.."

 "You have till next week! That girl won't stand a chance and you know it, as soon as you break her heart.. MUAHAHAHA victory will already be ours.."

 With that, I pulled my ear away from the wall and immediately climbed out my window. I wasn't thinking straight but I didn't care. I knew I had to get away from this place. I knew I couldn't stay with Harry anymore. I needed to train myself and get away from dark forces like him. 

 Harry. How could he? Then again, I didn't know much about the boy.

 I started running as fast as I could away from this place. Far, far away. I had no idea where I was going but I was just running. How could he do this to me? I thought he was on my side! He was trying to help me but why? If he was on the dark side, why was he trying to help me? Have I misheard what was said? Of course I didn't. Could it have been someone who sounded like Harry? How did he get in anyway? I locked the door. Did he bust in? I would have heard. I tripped and fell to the ground. My knee was bleeding and so I crawled to a tree and leaned against it. 

 "Hey, what are you doing?" I heard Harry say.

 "Stay away from me, you traitor!" I said while getting up and running. My knee was hurting but I had to escape. 

 "What are you talking about?" he said, trying to catch up.

 "I heard what you said! You work for the dark side!" I started running faster. If only I had an unicorn of my own. 

Hooves ran behind me and suddenly, I was out of breath. Turning around, I saw a unicorn standing behind me but it didn't have Harry on it and it wasn't Marlingus.

 Instead of it being white like I expected, it was a dark brown and still beautiful.

 "What's your name?", I asked as I started petting it.

 "Oliver. I was your mother's. I am at your service.", he sounded so serious.

 "Was my mother good to you?"

 "Yes of course, she was a wonderful master."

 "Can you tell me anything about Harry?"

 Before Oliver could answer, Harry came around with Marlingus. I quickly jumped onto Oliver.

 "Idla please talk to me! Yes.. I'm dealing with the dark side but it's not like I have a choice!"

 "How could you not of told me?! How could you be a traitor?!", I screamed at Harry as Oliver took a confident step forward.

 "I don't have a choice! My father was the recent king and I have to fall into his footsteps!!"

 "What...?", I looked at him like he was crazy.

 Harry sighed, "I was teaching you all wrong, yes.. And I was putting special drops in your drinks to make you sleep for days instead of one night. I was making you fall in love with me yes, so I could then shatter your heart. Deal with it. You and I will be on the battlefield in three days with my people against yours."

 I gasped, "Harry.. No.."

 "It's what has to be done. Our parents didn't like each other at all okay?"

 "Harry.. Wait.. Can I just say something

 He looked up at me with disappointment written all over his face. 

 "What?", he growled.

 "I love you.", I stated while hearing Oliver and Marlingus whoop.

 "You.. Love.. Me?", Harry looked at me with a blank expression on his face.


 He narrowed his eyes at me, "It's too late now, we are on in three days, prepare your troops!"

 And with that.. 

 My heart shattered.

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