1 □ Neko Maid Cafe

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"Hello! And welcome to Neko Neko Cafe!" I shout to the sound of the door bell ringing. I turn with my notepad in hand to look at the customer who just entered the cafe. It's a tall, slender, red-headed teenage boy. Or at least he looks like a teenager. "Hello master, let me help you find a seat?" I offer, walking up to him. He looks mesmerised as he stares into my eyes.

"Master?" I ask to make sure he's okay. "Oh, yes please," he says standing up straighter and following me to a table. "Just yourself? Or is anybody else joining you?" I ask him. "Just me," he replies staring off into space. "Alright, here's your table Master," I say in my practiced cute voice. "Thank you," he says looking at his hands. "Here's our menu Master," I say sliding it against the table towards him.

"Thank you . . . " he trails off without knowing my name. I flash my name pin on the front of my work uniform. "Y/N," I say it to make sure he pronounces it right. "Y/N," he tests the sound of my name on his tongue, "thank you." I gently bow and check in on some of my other customers while also giving him time to decide on what he wants to order.

I return about seven minutes later. "Hello Master. Have you decided what you would like to order?" I ask while clicking my pen and preparing my notepad. He glances through the menu once again. "One mocha please," he says to me, folding the menu and handing it to me. "If you'll wait a few moments Master, I'll be right back," I say all chipper with a big smile. I head to the back to make the drink. If I'm being honest, that guy is kinda cute. But how the heck am I gonna talk to him?

Tendou's POV

I had been walking around town when I happened to spot the Neko Neko Cafe. It was an impulse move but the food might be good. I entered the cafe, expecting nothing in particular. "Hello! And welcome to Neko Neko Cafe!" a short girl happily greets. I look to the owner of the voice, and find that she's completely mesmerizing.

I don't want to take my eyes off of her. I want to know her, talk to her, touch her. Wait, stop. She's an employee, stupid brain. "Hello master, let me help you find a seat?" she offers politely. I break my spell-induced stare and follow her. She proceeds to ask questions and speak the common run-down of a waitress. I'm only half listening though; I'm focusing more on the sound of her voice, on her mannerisms, her speech pattern, even if it's rehearsed.

She takes the menu from me. "If you'll wait a few moments Master, I'll be right back," she says to me and heads behind a curtain along the wall of the cafe. God, what the hell was I thinking when I decided to come here? If I see her swing her hips to make the tail on her outfit swish back and forth the way it does one more time, I'm going to lose it.

How can that girl work as such a sexy waitress, but appear as cute as she does!? It should be illegal, where are the attraction police. I take a deep breath and slump in my chair. Maybe I can start with small talk, and work my way up so that I don't appear to be too much of a creep. Who am I kidding though? She could be younger or older than me; heck she might even go to Shiratorizawa.

Now that would be the best dream-come-true thing ever. I check the time on my phone and Y/N walks back up with my mocha. She gently places the saucer and cup down in front of me. She's so close that I can smell her aroma. It's like a fresh summer breeze on a gorgeous beach. "Here you go Master," she says, backing away from the table. "Thank you Y/N," I say and take a sip of the mocha as she waits for my reaction.

This coffee is the best I've ever tasted. "Please tell whoever made this that this is the best coffee I've ever had!" I say enthusiastically. "I'm glad you like it Master. I actually made your drink," she tells me with a nervous smile. I look at her dumbfoundedly. "I'm Tendou Satori," I stick out my hand to shake hers. She looks very surprised at my sudden formality. "I-I'm L/N Y/N," she stutters while gently shaking my hand.

I give her a genuine smile. "Let's be friends Y/N! You can call me Satori," I tell her, leaning forward in my seat just a bit. "O-okay, but I'm stilling working so I'll chat with you later Master," she replies, quickly waking off. I wonder why she got so flustered just a second ago? I look around the cafe and notice somebody with an evil aura glaring at Y/N. Oh, right; she's at work and I'm just another customer to everybody else.

It makes me very excited that Y/N had no objections to being my friend. I continue to observe her as she bustles around the cafe, serving other customers and keeping a cheerful smile almost the whole time. It must be a lot of work to smile like that 24/7. I could never do that, I prefer relaxation. I continue to slowly sip on my mocha while reading Surftoon.


That guy actually wants to be my friend. That's a first since I started working here. As I pass by I notice his cup is empty so I quickly take care of another customer and come back to him. "Are you done Master?" I ask. He lifts his head to the sound of my voice. "Yes, thank you," he says. I nod and take his cup to the back to be washed.

I return with his bill and he gives me cash, and a tip. I collectively put the tip in my pocket and bring the payment to the cash register up front. "Would you like your receipt?" I blankly ask him. "Yes please. And I have a receipt of my own for ya," he says while simultaneously handing me a small, folded up piece of paper and taking his receipt.

He starts to walk out of the store and just before he exits he gives me the 'call me' signal with his hand by his face. I blush at his straight-forwardness. When he officially leaves I open the folded piece of paper to find a phone number. Gosh, what am I going to do with this guy?

𝐺𝑂𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝐴𝑅𝑂𝑈𝑁𝐷 𝐼𝑁 𝑆𝑄𝑈𝐴𝑅𝐸𝑆 ꨄ︎ 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐔 𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now